我正在研究的Cocos2D遊戲之一有圓形爆炸效果。這些爆炸效果需要對爆炸半徑範圍內的所有遊戲角色(由矩形邊界框表示,因爲所討論的對象爲坦克)所設置的最大傷害量的百分比進行處理。所以這可以歸結爲矩形碰撞以及距離最近的矩形邊緣多遠。我昨晚刺殺了這件事,但我相信可能有更好的辦法。特別是,我不知道根據計算的距離確定應用損害百分比的最佳方法。確定爆炸半徑的傷害 - Circle to Rectangle 2D
TankObject * tank = (TankObject*) gameSprite;
float distanceFromExplosionCenter;
// IMPORTANT :: All GameCharacter have an assumed (0,0) anchor
if (explosionPoint.x < tank.position.x) {
// Explosion to WEST of tank
if (explosionPoint.y <= tank.position.y) {
//Explosion SOUTHWEST
distanceFromExplosionCenter = ccpDistance(explosionPoint, tank.position);
} else if (explosionPoint.y >= (tank.position.y + tank.contentSize.height)) {
// Explosion NORTHWEST
distanceFromExplosionCenter = ccpDistance(explosionPoint,
ccp(tank.position.x, tank.position.y + tank.contentSize.height));
} else {
// Exp center's y is between bottom and top corner of rect
distanceFromExplosionCenter = tank.position.x - explosionPoint.x;
} // end if
} else if (explosionPoint.x > (tank.position.x + tank.contentSize.width)) {
// Explosion to EAST of tank
if (explosionPoint.y <= tank.position.y) {
//Explosion SOUTHEAST
distanceFromExplosionCenter = ccpDistance(explosionPoint,
ccp(tank.position.x + tank.contentSize.width,
} else if (explosionPoint.y >= (tank.position.y + tank.contentSize.height)) {
// Explosion NORTHEAST
distanceFromExplosionCenter = ccpDistance(explosionPoint,
ccp(tank.position.x + tank.contentSize.width,
tank.position.y + tank.contentSize.height));
} else {
// Exp center's y is between bottom and top corner of rect
distanceFromExplosionCenter = explosionPoint.x - (tank.position.x + tank.contentSize.width);
} // end if
} else {
// Tank is either north or south and is inbetween left and right corner of rect
if (explosionPoint.y < tank.position.y) {
// Explosion is South
distanceFromExplosionCenter = tank.position.y - explosionPoint.y;
} else {
// Explosion is North
distanceFromExplosionCenter = explosionPoint.y - (tank.position.y + tank.contentSize.height);
} // end if
} // end outer if
if (distanceFromExplosionCenter < explosionRadius) {
Collision :: Smaller distance larger the damage
int damageToApply;
if (self.directHit) {
damageToApply = self.explosionMaxDamage + self.directHitBonusDamage;
[tank takeDamageAndAdjustHealthBar:damageToApply];
CCLOG(@"Explsoion-> DIRECT HIT with total damage %d", damageToApply);
} else {
// TODO adjust this... turning out negative for some reason...
damageToApply = (1 - (distanceFromExplosionCenter/explosionRadius) * explosionMaxDamage);
[tank takeDamageAndAdjustHealthBar:damageToApply];
CCLOG(@"Explosion-> Non direct hit collision with tank");
CCLOG(@"Damage to apply is %d", damageToApply);
} // end if
} else {
CCLOG(@"Explosion-> Explosion distance is larger than explosion radius");
} // end if
} // end if
2)如何計算損失百分比?我目前的方法偶爾會產生負數,我不明白爲什麼(也許我需要更多的睡眠!)。但是,在我的if語句中,我會問如果距離<的爆炸半徑。當控制通過時,距離/半徑必須是< 1對不對?所以1 - 中間計算不應該是負數。
damageToApply = (1 - (distanceFromExplosionCenter/explosionRadius)) * explosionMaxDamage;
仍在尋找這個 –