我正在研究一個代碼,該代碼從輸入文件讀取有關客戶的數據並將其存儲到客戶對象的鏈接列表中。鏈表實現不是JVM之一。當使用readFile()讀取數據時,它給我一個NumberFormatException: For input string: "Ben Affleck"
錯誤。這裏是方法。邏輯的基本思想是最初讀取第一條記錄,並將其設置爲鏈接列表的頭部,然後讀取後續記錄。該錯誤發生在if條件時,它檢查重複的帳戶ID。我編碼的方式是,如果id的匹配,然後跳過那麼多行到下一個記錄。 Acd()方法在鏈接列表中按升序輸入項目。幫助將不勝感激。如果問題不清楚,請讓我知道。將文件數據讀入LinkedList錯誤
public static int readFile(String filename, LinkedList<Customer> review) throws IOException{
Scanner scan = new Scanner (new File (filename));
/*Reading the first record separatly*/
Customer head = new Customer();
Node<Customer> first = new Node<Customer>(head);
String[] a = scan.nextLine().split("=");
int accId = Integer.parseInt(a[1].trim());
a = scan.nextLine().split("=");
String name = a[1].toUpperCase().trim();
a = scan.nextLine().split("=");
String address =a[1].trim();
a = scan.nextLine().split("=");
String phone_number =(a[1].trim());
a = scan.nextLine().split("=");
String date_of_birth =(a[1].trim());
a = scan.nextLine().split("=");
double balance =(Double.parseDouble(a[1].trim()));
a= scan.nextLine().split("=");
String accType =(a[1].trim());
if (accType.equals("Saving")){
Customer temp = new Account1();
Node<Customer> firstItem = new Node<Customer>(temp);
first = firstItem;
else if(accType.equals("Checking")){
Customer temp = new Account2();
Node<Customer> firstItem = new Node<Customer>(temp);
first = firstItem;
else if(accType.equals("Fixed")){
Customer temp = new Account3();
Node<Customer> firstItem = new Node<Customer>(temp);
first = firstItem;
a = scan.nextLine().split("=");
review.head= first;
count = count+1;
scan.nextLine();// resets the buffer reader
while (scan.hasNext()&& count>0){
Customer item = new Customer();
Node<Customer> temp = new Node<Customer>(item);
String[] st = scan.nextLine().split("=");
Customer ctr = new Customer();
Node<Customer> counter = new Node<Customer>(ctr);
counter=review.head; // counter pointing to head
int i=0;
if(Integer.parseInt(st[1].trim())== review.getItem(i).get_accountid()){ // checking for duplicate records
System.out.println("This account id is already in use so the record won't be read");
while(!scan.nextLine().equals(" "))
scan.nextLine(); //to bring the reader back to the accoutnId
int AccId = Integer.parseInt(st[1].trim());
st = scan.nextLine().split("=");
String AccName = st[1].toUpperCase().trim();
st = scan.nextLine().split("=");
String AccAdd =st[1].trim();
st = scan.nextLine().split("=");
String AccPhNum =(st[1].trim());
st = scan.nextLine().split("=");
String AccDob =(st[1].trim());
st = scan.nextLine().split("=");
double AccBal =(Double.parseDouble(st[1].trim()));
st= scan.nextLine().split("=");
String AccType =(st[1].trim());
if (AccType.equals("Saving")){
Customer a1 = new Account1();
Node<Customer>Item = new Node<Customer>(a1);
temp = Item;
} else if(AccType.equals("Checking")){
Customer a2 = new Account2();
Node<Customer>Item = new Node<Customer>(a2);
temp = Item;
} else if(AccType.equals("Fixed")){
Customer a3 = new Account3();
Node<Customer>Item = new Node<Customer>(a3);
temp = Item;
st = scan.nextLine().split("=");
if (scan.hasNextLine()){
count= count+1;
if (count>=30){
System.out.println("The number of records read has exceeded the limit and it will stop reading now");
return count;
Account Id = 123
Name = Matt Damon
Address = 465 Ripley Boulevard, Oscar Mansion, Singapore 7666322
DOB = 10-10-1970
Phone Number = 790-3233
Account Balance = 405600.00
Account Type = Fixed
Fixed Daily Interest = 0.05
Account Id = 126
Name = Ben Affleck
Address = 200 Hunting Street, Singapore 784563
DOB = 25-10-1968
Phone Number = 432-4579
Account Balance = 530045.00
Account Type = Saving
Account Id = 65
Name = Salma Hayek
Address = 45 Mexican Boulevard, Hotel California, Singapore 467822
DOB = 06-04-73
Phone Number = 790-0000
Account Balance = 2345.00
Account Type = Checking
Account Id = 78
Name = Phua Chu Kang
Address = 50 PCK Avenue, Singapore 639798
DOB = 11-08-64
Phone Number = 345-6780
Account Balance = 0.00
Account Type = Checking
Account Id = 234
Name = Zoe Tay
Address = 100 Blue Eyed St, Singapore 456872
DOB = 15-02-68
Phone Number = 456-1234
Account Balance = 600.00
Account Type = Saving
Account Id = 2350
Name = Zoe Tay
Address = 100 Blue Eyed St, Singapore 456872
DOB = 15-02-68
Phone Number = 456-1234
Account Balance = 600.00
Account Type = Fixed
Fixed Daily Interest = 0.055
hm ..也許嘗試:「johnny depp」 – smas 2011-03-29 18:47:05
該文件看起來像你想分析什麼?什麼行(來自您的堆棧跟蹤)導致問題?沒有更多的信息,我會冒險猜測你的Integer.parseInt()調用正在傳遞一串字符而不是一個數字。 – rancidfishbreath 2011-03-29 19:00:12