2015-02-12 19 views
import sys 
import string 

array = [] 

while True: 

input = raw_input("Please enter no more than 10 characters, one per line, and terminate the message by entering % ") 

def main(): 
    key = 3 
    message = input 
    cryptMessage = "" 
    for ch in message: 
      cryptMessage = cryptMessage + chr(ord(ch) + key) 

if input == "%" 

print array, len(array), "The coded message is:", cryptMessage 
sys.exit(1) #This tells the program to exit 



你'高清的main():'在while循環?另請確定遊覽縮進。 – Marcin 2015-02-12 02:09:25


我會修正縮進,但我仍然不知道爲什麼cryptMessage是未定義的。我以前只運行過加密部分,並沒有得到那個錯誤。 – 2015-02-12 02:23:15


這裏沒有正確的縮進,它很難理解你的程序應該如何表現。在Python中,縮進對正確執行至關重要。沒有這個,它很難在代碼spinet中看到任何結構/邏輯。 – Marcin 2015-02-12 02:26:17




import sys 

# these can be declared up here 
array = [] 
key = 3 

# loop until the user tells us not to 
while True: 

    # grab the input from the user 
    input = raw_input("Please enter no more than 10 characters, one per line, and terminate the message by entering % ") 

    # the string we'll fill 
    cryptMessage = "" 

    # go over the input and 'cypher' it 
    for ch in input: 
     cryptMessage += chr(ord(ch) + key) 

    # add this line of message to the array 

    # when the user tells us to stop 
    if input == "%": 

     # print and break out of the while loop 
     print "The coded message is:", ' '.join(array) 


Please enter no more than 10 characters, one per line, and terminate the message by entering % tyler 
Please enter no more than 10 characters, one per line, and terminate the message by entering % is 
Please enter no more than 10 characters, one per line, and terminate the message by entering % my 
Please enter no more than 10 characters, one per line, and terminate the message by entering % name 
Please enter no more than 10 characters, one per line, and terminate the message by entering % % 
The coded message is: w|ohu lv# p| qdph (

哇,謝謝你!有沒有辦法讓原始數組顯示明文結果,然後顯示除了明文結果之外的編碼消息? – 2015-02-12 03:32:24


您可以只用另一個單獨的數組來存儲所有原始文本。基本上和你現在擁有的'array'一樣,但是在循環中'append(input)'而不是'append(cryptMessage)' – Tyler 2015-02-12 03:35:27


有沒有什麼辦法可以在打印array? – 2015-02-12 21:46:13