2011-11-12 78 views


#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <string.h> 
#include <stddef.h> /* must include for the offsetof macro */ 
#include <GL/glew.h> 
#include <GL/glfw.h> 
#include <glm/glm.hpp> 
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp> 
#include <glm/gtc/type_ptr.hpp> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <vector> 
#include <iostream> 

using namespace std; 

struct XYZ { 
    GLdouble x; 
    GLdouble y; 
    GLdouble z; 

struct FACET3 { 
    XYZ p1; 
    XYZ p2; 
    XYZ p3; 

void Normalise(XYZ *p_input) 
    double magnitude = 0; 
    magnitude = sqrt((p_input.x * p_input.x)+ (p_input.y * p_input.y) + (p_input.z * p_input.z)); 
    p_input.x = p_input.x/magnitude; 
    p_input.y = p_input.y/magnitude; 
    p_input.z = p_input.z/magnitude; 


int CreateNSphere(FACET3 *f,int iterations) 

    int i,it; 
    double a; 
    XYZ p[6] = {0,0,1, 0,0,-1, -1,-1,0, 1,-1,0, 1,1,0, -1,1,0}; 
    XYZ pa,pb,pc; 
    int nt = 0,ntold; 

    /* Create the level 0 object */ 
    a = 1/sqrt(2.0); 
    for (i=0;i<6;i++) { 
     p[i].x *= a; 
     p[i].y *= a; 
    f[0].p1 = p[0]; f[0].p2 = p[3]; f[0].p3 = p[4]; 
    f[1].p1 = p[0]; f[1].p2 = p[4]; f[1].p3 = p[5]; 
    f[2].p1 = p[0]; f[2].p2 = p[5]; f[2].p3 = p[2]; 
    f[3].p1 = p[0]; f[3].p2 = p[2]; f[3].p3 = p[3]; 
    f[4].p1 = p[1]; f[4].p2 = p[4]; f[4].p3 = p[3]; 
    f[5].p1 = p[1]; f[5].p2 = p[5]; f[5].p3 = p[4]; 
    f[6].p1 = p[1]; f[6].p2 = p[2]; f[6].p3 = p[5]; 
    f[7].p1 = p[1]; f[7].p2 = p[3]; f[7].p3 = p[2]; 
    nt = 8; 

    if (iterations < 1) 

    /* Bisect each edge and move to the surface of a unit sphere */ 
    for (it=0;it<iterations;it++) { 
     ntold = nt; 
     for (i=0;i<ntold;i++) { 
     pa.x = (f[i].p1.x + f[i].p2.x)/2; 
     pa.y = (f[i].p1.y + f[i].p2.y)/2; 
     pa.z = (f[i].p1.z + f[i].p2.z)/2; 
     pb.x = (f[i].p2.x + f[i].p3.x)/2; 
     pb.y = (f[i].p2.y + f[i].p3.y)/2; 
     pb.z = (f[i].p2.z + f[i].p3.z)/2; 
     pc.x = (f[i].p3.x + f[i].p1.x)/2; 
     pc.y = (f[i].p3.y + f[i].p1.y)/2; 
     pc.z = (f[i].p3.z + f[i].p1.z)/2; 
     f[nt].p1 = f[i].p1; f[nt].p2 = pa; f[nt].p3 = pc; nt++; 
     f[nt].p1 = pa; f[nt].p2 = f[i].p2; f[nt].p3 = pb; nt++; 
     f[nt].p1 = pb; f[nt].p2 = f[i].p3; f[nt].p3 = pc; nt++; 
     f[i].p1 = pa; 
     f[i].p2 = pb; 
     f[i].p3 = pc; 


int main() 
    FACET3 *facet; 
    int facets = CreateNSphere(facet, 2); 
    printf(" Result: %d", facets); 

我想讓這段代碼運行。我基本上是試圖以產生由當我用G ++編譯它octahedron.but一個球我得到這個座標:

sphere_model.cpp:32:28: error: request for member ‘x’ in ‘p_input’, which is of non-class type ‘XYZ*’ 
sphere_model.cpp:32:40: error: request for member ‘x’ in ‘p_input’, which is of non-class type ‘XYZ*’ 
sphere_model.cpp:32:54: error: request for member ‘y’ in ‘p_input’, which is of non-class type ‘XYZ*’ 
sphere_model.cpp:32:66: error: request for member ‘y’ in ‘p_input’, which is of non-class type ‘XYZ*’ 
sphere_model.cpp:32:80: error: request for member ‘z’ in ‘p_input’, which is of non-class type ‘XYZ*’ 
sphere_model.cpp:32:92: error: request for member ‘z’ in ‘p_input’, which is of non-class type ‘XYZ*’ 
sphere_model.cpp:33:10: error: request for member ‘x’ in ‘p_input’, which is of non-class type ‘XYZ*’ 
sphere_model.cpp:33:22: error: request for member ‘x’ in ‘p_input’, which is of non-class type ‘XYZ*’ 
sphere_model.cpp:34:10: error: request for member ‘y’ in ‘p_input’, which is of non-class type ‘XYZ*’ 
sphere_model.cpp:34:22: error: request for member ‘y’ in ‘p_input’, which is of non-class type ‘XYZ*’ 
sphere_model.cpp:35:10: error: request for member ‘z’ in ‘p_input’, which is of non-class type ‘XYZ*’ 
sphere_model.cpp:35:22: error: request for member ‘z’ in ‘p_input’, which is of non-class type ‘XYZ*’ 






我現在運行的代碼昂得到一個「分段故障」 –


@Trt TRT:這是完全無關的。你有另一個問題,再發一篇文章。 –


gdb在CreateNSphere(FACET3 *,int)()中指出「0x00000000004011df」 –




FACET3 facet[8]; 
int facets = CreateNSphere(facet, 2); 

FACET3 *facet = new FACET3[8]; 
int facets = CreateNSphere(facet, 2);