2016-08-05 66 views

我正試圖在Access中找到更快速的方式來計算我的中位數。您可以在下面的代碼中查看一次查詢一個項目代碼的位置,進行排序,然後計算中位數。有時候有600個物品代碼,這些物品可能每個都有1000多個與其相關的基地。例如,我正在使用的特定表格總共有15萬條記錄,並且速度非常慢。有沒有更好的方法來一次計算每個記錄中位數,而不是一次計算一個項目代碼。MS Access VBA:無需迭代記錄即可計算中位數

Function FIncPercentile(ByVal posCode As Single, ByVal k As Single, ByVal tbl As String) As Variant 

Dim rstRec As Recordset 
Dim db As Database 
Dim n As Integer 
Dim i As Single 
Dim res, d1, d2 As Currency 

' Create recordset from query 
Set db = CurrentDb 
Set rstRec = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Co, Base " & _ 
           "FROM " & tbl & " " & _ 
           "WHERE Code = " & pos & " " & _ 
           "ORDER BY Base ASC;") 

' Skip if there are no matches 
If IsNull(rstRec!base) Or rstRec.RecordCount = 0 Then 
    FBasePercentile = Null 
    Exit Function 
End If 

' Count records 
n = rstRec.RecordCount 

' Calculate the index where k is the percentile 
i = n * k 

' Test the decimal and find value accordingly 
If i = Int(i) Then 
    rstRec.Move i - 1 
    d1 = rstRec!base 
    d2 = rstRec!base 
    FIncPercentile = (d1 + d2)/2 
    i = Round(i + 0.5, 0) 
    rstRec.Move i - 1 
    FIncPercentile = rstRec!base 
End If 

End Function 

你嘗試打開一個用於記錄通過共,基部和通過每個共同在外環計算與濾波器中值在一個內部循環迭代下令每個表? – Beth


您可能可以調整微軟網站上的DMedian函數和示例https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd789431%28v=office.12%29.aspx - 或者是您獲得代碼的地方? – dbmitch


有多少個唯一的表 - 如果只有一個 - 我認爲你會看到立即增加,通過在代碼是參數的表上創建參數查詢。使用參數querydef創建記錄集 - 而不是動態SQL - 並確保您在代碼和Base上都有索引。 – dbmitch



Access中沒有Median函數。 Excel有一個,但我相信它只限於30個數字,所以即使你想嘗試使用自動化功能,我也不相信它適用於你的情況。

我認爲你可能會通過微調你的函數並讓微軟的Jet Engine預編譯你的查詢來看到明顯的速度增加。

  • 確保您已在表(S)
  • 索引的基礎和代碼字段與具有標準參數 [何典]
  • 與記錄優化功能,以構建代碼中創建參數查詢宣佈 變量和匹配字段類型(代碼=長整型???)


我糾正了一些可能不是拼寫錯誤的拼寫錯誤 - 我假定CODE是一個長整數 - 我可能又錯了。另外我的變化是由「前綴***************


創建新查詢稱爲 「qdfPrepMedian

複製/粘貼SQL >>PARAMETERS [What Code] Long; SELECT Co, Base FROM <YourTableName> WHERE Code = [What Code] ORDER BY Base ASC;



Option Explicit 

' changed posCode to Long 
Function FIncPercentile(ByVal posCode As Long, ByVal k As Single, ByVal tbl As String) As Variant 

    ' CREATE/USE Precompiled Parameter Query 
    ' Create New Query called "qdfPrepMedian" 
    ' Copy/Paste SQL >> PARAMETERS [What Code] Long; SELECT Co, Base FROM <YourTableName> WHERE Code = [What Code] ORDER BY Base ASC; 

    Const QRY_BY_CODES As String = "qdfPrepMedian" 

    Dim qdf  As QueryDef 

    Dim rstRec As Recordset 
    Dim db  As Database 
    Dim n  As Integer 
    Dim i  As Single 

    ' Declare all Currency variables on separate lines 
    ' Otherwise they will be variants 
    Dim res  As Currency 
    Dim d1  As Currency 
    Dim d2  As Currency 

    Set db = CurrentDb 

    ' Create readonly recordset from querydef 
    Set qdf = db.QueryDefs(QRY_BY_CODES) 
    qdf.Parameters("What Code") = posCode ' matches LONG variable passed to function 
    Set rstRec = qdf.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot, dbReadOnly) ' Readonly is sometimes faster 

    ' Use WITH rstRec 
    With rstRec 

     ' Skip if there are no matches 
     If IsNull(!base) Or .RecordCount = 0 Then 
     '*** Is this a type *** 
     ' FBasePercentile = Null 
     ' Should it BE 
      FIncPercentile = Null 
      Exit Function 
     End If 

     ' Count records 
     n = .RecordCount 

     ' Calculate the index where k is the percentile 
     i = n * k 

     ' Test the decimal and find value accordingly 
     If i = Int(i) Then 
      .Move i - 1 
      d1 = !base 
      d2 = !base 
      FIncPercentile = (d1 + d2)/2 
      i = Round(i + 0.5, 0) 
      .Move i - 1 
      FIncPercentile = !base 
     End If 

    End With 

End Function 

@Andre感謝您改善我的帖子。我無法弄清楚這些變化。我以爲我看到了某種VB標籤,但它在後期不可見。我下次需要做什麼? – dbmitch


在修訂歷史記錄中,切換到「並排降價」以查看更改。我插入了<! - language:vb - >',參見http://stackoverflow.com/editing-help#syntax-highlighting。當存在更流行的語言標記時(通常是'sql'),這是必需的。我在我的「SO模板文件」中有這條線,因爲我經常需要它。 :) – Andre


很酷。這將有很大幫助。我開始在行尾添加額外的內容以擺脫註釋行 – dbmitch