2016-09-29 67 views


我無法在嵌套for循環中正確設置pt.x或pt.y的值。 IDEA告訴我該符號無法解析。該類是從包中只識別該類的另一個java文件標識的。其計算方法如下:

public class pointClass { 
    class point{ 
     int x; 
     int y; 
     int z; 



public class main { 
    public static void main (String args[]){ 

     ArrayList<pointClass.point> pointlist = new ArrayList<>(); 

     //Creating map 
     int row = 40; 
     int col = 40; 
     int [][] bigarray = new int [row] [col]; 

     //iterating through map 
     for (int i = 0; i < row; i++;){ 
      for (int j=0; j< col; j++){ 
       pointClass pt = new pointClass.point; 
       pt.x = row; 
       pt.y = col; 
       pt.z = ;//RNG HERE// 




:考慮使用以下方法嗎? – shmosel




public class Point { 
    int x; 
    int y; 
    int z; 


public class Main { 
    public static void main(String args[]){ 

     ArrayList<Point> pointlist = new ArrayList<>(); //Now that we aren't using a nested class, Just <Point>    

     //Creating map 
     int row = 40; 
     int col = 40; 
     int [][] bigarray = new int [row] [col]; 

     //iterating through map 
     for (int i = 0; i < row; i++){ //No semicolon after i++ 
      for (int j=0; j< col; j++){ 
       Point pt = new Point(); //Calling a constructor is a method, hence() 
       pt.x = j; //You probably mean j and k here, not row and col (which don't change) 
       pt.y = k; 
       pt.z = 0;//RNG HERE// //Not sure what you mean here, but you can set pt.z to whatever you want 

       //You created pointlist, but never add to it. Did you mean to? 


  • 類名以大寫字母開頭。 Point,而不是pointPointClass,而不是pointClass
  • 非最終/可變字段應該是私有的。因此,您的Point類儘管是正確的,但卻是相當糟糕的做法(其原因在其他地方有很好的記載)。你爲什麼要使用一個嵌套類

    public class Point { 
        private int x; 
        private int y; 
        private int z; 
        public Point(int x, int y, int z) { 
         this.x = x; 
         this.y = y; 
         this.z = z; 
        public int getX() { return x; } 
        public int getY() { return y; } 
        public int getZ() { return z; } 

謝謝,Mshnik。我覺得我不應該犯這些錯誤,但是,可惜的是,40小時的工作,認證預測和學校做了我的大腦。Upvote獎,我的代表太低了,無法計數。 – Dylan