我想了解gpugems網站上的the odd-ever merge sort example,但我無法弄清楚他們傳遞給制服的一些內容。這是整個着色器。GLSL奇偶合並排序
uniform vec3 Param1;
uniform vec3 Param2;
uniform sampler2D Data;
#define OwnPos gl_TexCoord[0]
// contents of the uniform data fields
#define TwoStage Param1.x
#define Pass_mod_Stage Param1.y
#define TwoStage_PmS_1 Param1.z
#define Width Param2.x
#define Height Param2.y
#define Pass Param2.z
void main(void){
// get self
vec4 self = texture2D(Data, OwnPos.xy);
float i = floor(OwnPos.x * Width) + floor(OwnPos.y * Height) * Width;
// my position within the range to merge
float j = floor(mod(i, TwoStage));
float compare;
if ((j < Pass_mod_Stage) || (j > TwoStage_PmS_1))
// must copy -> compare with self
compare = 0.0;
// must sort
if (mod((j + Pass_mod_Stage)/Pass, 2.0) < 1.0)
// we are on the left side -> compare with partner on the right
compare = 1.0;
// we are on the right side -> compare with partner on the left
compare = -1.0;
// get the partner
float adr = i + compare * Pass;
vec4 partner = texture2D(Data, vec2(floor(mod(adr, Width))/Width, floor(adr/Width)/Height));
// on the left it's a < operation; on the right it's a >= operation
gl_FragColor = (self.x * compare < partner.x * compare) ? self : partner;