2011-11-18 31 views


無論如何,我在F#中難以複製算法的特定函數是Duff's device。它不是典型的迭代,而是展開循環,以便每次迭代可以複製8個字節,而不是一個。

void copy_memory(char* to, char* from, size_t count) { 
    size_t n = (count+7)/8; 
    switch(count%8) { 
    case 0: do{ *to++ = *from++; 
    case 7:  *to++ = *from++; 
    case 6:  *to++ = *from++; 
    case 5:  *to++ = *from++; 
    case 4:  *to++ = *from++; 
    case 3:  *to++ = *from++; 
    case 2:  *to++ = *from++; 
    case 1:  *to++ = *from++; 



open System.Reflection 
let copyMemory (pTo : Pointer) (pFrom : Pointer) length = 
    let n = (length + 7)/8 
    match n % 8 with 
    | 0 -> 




祝你好運...我想你必須直接發出IL代碼;) – fmr


Duff的設備在功能語言或任何現代編譯器中都沒有意義,因爲它們會優化像這樣給你,如果它是有道理的。 –


我意識到我的第二個努力是越野車,所以我用更忠實的達夫的翻譯來代替它。 – Daniel




#nowarn "9" //stop telling me I'm going to break something 
open Microsoft.FSharp.NativeInterop 

let inline (~+) ptr = NativePtr.add ptr 1 

let rec copyMemory src dest = function 
    | 0 ->() 
    | n -> 
    NativePtr.read src |> NativePtr.write dest 
    copyMemory +src +dest (n - 1) 


let inline (+>) s d = 
    NativePtr.read !s |> NativePtr.write !d 
    s:= NativePtr.add !s 1 
    d:= NativePtr.add !d 1 

let copyMemory src dst count = 
    let n = ref ((count + 7)/8) 
    let s, d = ref src, ref dst 
    rec case_0() = s +> d; case_7() 
    and case_7() = s +> d; case_6() 
    and case_6() = s +> d; case_5() 
    and case_5() = s +> d; case_4() 
    and case_4() = s +> d; case_3() 
    and case_3() = s +> d; case_2() 
    and case_2() = s +> d; case_1() 
    and case_1() = s +> d; decr n; if !n > 0 then case_0() 
    match count % 8 with 
    | 7 -> case_7() | 6 -> case_6() 
    | 5 -> case_5() | 4 -> case_4() 
    | 3 -> case_3() | 2 -> case_2() 
    | 1 -> case_1() | _ -> case_0() 


System.Buffer.BlockCopy(src, 0, dest, 0, count) 


let copy (dst : nativeptr<byte>) (src : nativeptr<byte>) count = 
    let mutable s = src 
    let mutable d = dst 

    for n in 1 .. count/8 do 
     NativePtr.read s |> NativePtr.write d 
     s <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt s + nativeint 1) 
     d <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt d + nativeint 1) 
     NativePtr.read s |> NativePtr.write d 
     s <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt s + nativeint 1) 
     d <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt d + nativeint 1) 
     NativePtr.read s |> NativePtr.write d 
     s <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt s + nativeint 1) 
     d <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt d + nativeint 1) 
     NativePtr.read s |> NativePtr.write d 
     s <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt s + nativeint 1) 
     d <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt d + nativeint 1) 
     NativePtr.read s |> NativePtr.write d 
     s <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt s + nativeint 1) 
     d <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt d + nativeint 1) 
     NativePtr.read s |> NativePtr.write d 
     s <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt s + nativeint 1) 
     d <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt d + nativeint 1) 
     NativePtr.read s |> NativePtr.write d 
     s <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt s + nativeint 1) 
     d <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt d + nativeint 1) 
     NativePtr.read s |> NativePtr.write d 
     s <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt s + nativeint 1) 
     d <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt d + nativeint 1) 

    for n in 1 .. count % 8 do 
     NativePtr.read s |> NativePtr.write d 
     s <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt s + nativeint 1) 
     d <- NativePtr.ofNativeInt(NativePtr.toNativeInt d + nativeint 1) 
