我遇到問題實現碰撞一致性算法。 這是一些僞代碼。有人可以給我一個解釋它是什麼意思。碰撞一致性算法
if m is proposal message then
▷add the received values to set of all known proposed values
note that sender[m]has not crashed during this round
else ▷ordinary message received
process message m
knownValues←{ownValue} ▷start with just own proposed value
sentValues←0 ▷no values sent yet
for i←0 to f do ▷f+1 rounds of multicasts
▷determine which known values have not yet been sent
newValues←knownValues -ssentValues
multicast proposal message with newValues to alive processes
wait until next round
use pre-agreed strategy with knownValues to get consensus value
不要張貼文本信息的截圖! –
無論這本書是從哪裏來的(可能在你的問題中提到這個問題?)可能會在開頭附近有一個'語法約定'部分。這可能會提供一些指導。 – AakashM
我打算打字,但我不知道如何打字三角形。截圖有什麼問題? –