switch (pick) {
case 1:
// Here the program ask the user to input some data related with students (lets say
// name and dob). Student is a class and the students data is stored in 1 array of
// students. If I do:
// for (Student item: students){
// if (item != null){
// System.out.println(item);
// }
// }
// It will print the name and dob of all the students inserted because I've created
// a toString() method that returns the name and dob of the students
case 2:
// On case 2 at some point I will need to print the array created on the case
// above. If I do again:
// for (Student item: students){
// if (item != null){
// System.out.println(item);
// }
// }
// It says that students variable might have not been initialized.
如果一個變量在一個情況下創建它的價值不能在另一種情況下使用? 我試圖做的是首先進入情況1並輸入值,然後,在情況2中能夠使用在情況1中定義的一些值。
你說「問題一:」,那裏還有一個「問題二」嗎? –
@java熔岩我的不好。對不起 – Favolas