class Stack
top = NULL; // Initialises defualt top node pointer.
while (NodePop() != NULL){}
void Push(int value) // Pushes a new node onto the stack.
Node* temp = new Node(value, top); // Creates a temporary node with a value and makes it
// point to the top node as the next node in the stack.
top = temp; // Temporary node becomes the top node in the stack.
Node* NodePop(void)
/* Remove top node from the stack */
Node* temp = top; // Creates a temporary node to return, sets it to top node.
if (top != NULL) top = top->getNext(); // Points the stacks top node to the next node in the list.
return temp; // Returns a pointer to the popped node still in the heap.
int Pop(void) // Pops the top node off of the stack. Returns the nodes value.
Node* temp = NodePop();
int valueReturn = 0;
/* Sets the return value */
if (temp != NULL)
valueReturn = temp->getVal(); // Set return value to the nodes value if there is a node left.
throw "Stack Empty"; // Throws exception if temp is NULL and stack is empty.
delete temp; // Deletes the node entirely from the heap.
return valueReturn;
Node* top;
class Node
Node(int value, Node* nextptr = NULL, Node* prevptr = NULL, int currentpriority = 0)
/* Set initial variables for the node at creation */
this->value = value;
this->next = nextptr;
this->prev = prevptr;
this->priority = currentpriority;
// bunch of getters and setters...
Node* next; // Pointer to the next node.
Node* prev; // Pointer to the previous node.
int priority; // Stores the node priority as a number 0-9.
int value; // Stores the node value for printing.
我們不能改變任何的等級結構的(太我的煩惱,NodePop()應該是私有的,但瓦特/ E)。
你給出的代碼有多少錯誤,什麼是內存泄漏或一千? –
很不幸,在大學裏作爲C++的一個例子,這是一種恥辱。 Stroustrup在他的主題演講中提到了這個問題,講師將壞C作爲C++的入門介紹。 –
我要對自己和你說慈善,並且說給他們寫一張便條,問他是否打算打電話給Pop,而不是NodePop,否則會泄漏。 – West