2014-10-07 132 views



[self onlyFibonacciValues:@[@21, @2, @8, @3]]; 
[self onlyFibonacciValues:@[@21, @6, @2]]; 

- (BOOL)onlyFibonacciValues:(NSArray *)numbers { 

NSArray *newNumbers = [numbers sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:@[[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"intValue" ascending:YES]]]; 
NSMutableArray *sortedArray = [newNumbers mutableCopy]; 

NSInteger firstFibonacci = 1; 
NSInteger secondFibonacci = 2; 

NSInteger lastObjectInArray = [sortedArray.lastObject integerValue]; 

NSMutableArray *fibonacciArray = [NSMutableArray new]; 
[fibonacciArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:firstFibonacci]]; 
[fibonacciArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:secondFibonacci]]; 

while (lastObjectInArray > secondFibonacci) { 

    secondFibonacci = secondFibonacci + firstFibonacci; 
    firstFibonacci = secondFibonacci - firstFibonacci; 

    [fibonacciArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:secondFibonacci]]; 


return YES; 




int curr = 1, prev = 1; 
for (NSNumber *n in newNumbers) { // You do not need a mutable copy of the sorted array 
    int v = [n intValue]; 
    while (curr < v) { 
     curr += prev; 
     prev = curr-prev; 
    // At this point curr is the next Fibonacci number 
    // which is greater than or equal to the current value 
    // in the array. Holes and duplicates are allowed. 
    if (curr != v) return NO; 
return YES; 

如果數字是這樣的,你的公式會工作嗎? [self onlyFibonacciValues:@ [@ 21,@ 6,@ 2]]; – Jon 2014-10-07 03:07:52


@JonJungemann你的意思是你被允許在序列中有一個「洞」?..目前不是,但變化是相當小的... – dasblinkenlight 2014-10-07 03:09:21


對不起,我應該更具體的 – Jon 2014-10-07 03:11:17