#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Rational
Rational() {
num = 0;
denom = 1;
Rational(int n, int d) {
num = n;
denom = d;
Rational(int n) {
num = n;
denom = 1;
int get_numerator() const {
return num;
int get_denominator() const {
return denom;
void normalize() {
if ((num > 0 && denom < 0)||(num < 0 && denom < 0)) {
num = -1 * num;
denom = -1 * denom;
int gcdcheck = GCD(num,denom);
num = num/gcdcheck;
denom = denom/gcdcheck;
int Rational::GCD(int n, int d) {
int temp;
n = abs(n);
d = abs(d);
if (n > d) {
// Do nothing everything is where it should be
else {
temp = n;
n = d;
d = temp;
int factor = n % d;
while (factor != 0) {
factor = n % d;
d = n;
n = factor;
return d;//Return the value to normalize to simplify the fractions to simplist form
Rational operator+(Rational b) const {
Rational add;
//Addition of fractions (a*d/b*d + c*b/d*b)
//Numerator = (a*d + c*b)
add.get_numerator = b.get_numerator * denom + b.get_denominator * num;
//Denomenator = (b*d)
add.get_denominator = b.get_denominator * denom;
return add;
Rational operator-(Rational b) const {
Rational sub;
//Same as Addition just a minus sign
//Numerator = (a*d + c*b)
sub.get_numerator = b.get_numerator * denom + b.get_denominator * num;
//Denomenator = (b*d)
sub.get_denominator = b.get_denominator * denom;
return sub;
Rational operator*(Rational b) const {
//Multiply the numerators and denomenators
Rational multi;
multi.get_numerator = b.get_numerator * num;
multi.get_denominator = b.get_denominator * denom;
return multi;
Rational operator/(Rational b) const {
//Division of fractions is done by the recipricol of one of the fractions
Rational divi;
divi.get_numerator = b.get_numerator * denom;
divi.get_denominator = b.get_denominator * num;
return divi;
//To avoid issues with rounding the compare functions will multiply instead to give clean whole numbers
//This will be done by multiplying the denomenators by the opposite numerator
bool operator==(Rational b) const {
return ((b.get_numerator * denom == b.get_denominator * num));
bool operator<(Rational b) const {
return ((b.get_numerator * denom > b.get_denominator * num));
double toDecimal() const {
double result;
result = static_cast<double> (num)/ static_cast<double> (denom);
return result;
int num = 0; // default value is 0
int denom = 1; // default value is 1
ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, Rational& a) {
if (a.get_denominator == 0) {
output << "Divide by Zero";
output << a.get_numerator << '/' << a.get_denominator;
return output;
1:錯誤C3867: '理性:: get_denominator':非標準語法;使用'&'創建指向成員的指針
2:'*':錯誤C3867:'Rational :: get_denominator':非標準語法;使用'&'創建指向成員的指針
3:錯誤C3867:'Rational :: get_numerator':非標準語法;使用「&」創建一個指向成員
所以,當你的建議我使用set_function你的意思設置輸入等於或者分子或分母。 '有理set_denom(int d){d = denom}'? – Motorscooter
@Motorscooter我已經更新了答案。請注意,在你的評論中你正在做'd = denom';應該做相反的'denom = d'; – knightrider
非常感謝您的澄清,這是現在有道理。只是爲了確保..然後我會使用新的set_denom函數來設置我在每個函數中返回的有理值的分子和分母。 'add.set_num()&add.set_denom'?這樣我沒有返回一個私有變量的引用是否正確? – Motorscooter