2013-12-17 28 views


即,我想隨後來到0,1,2 ,3 ...而不是像2,1,0,3 ..


  • 序號爲0的執行[1 - 100]
  • 等級1個執行[101-200]等...

     program main 
         implicit none 
         include 'mpif.h' 
         integer(4), parameter :: n = 36500 
         integer(4) :: a(n) 
         integer(4) :: i 
         integer(4) :: j 
         integer(4) :: ista 
         integer(4) :: iend 
         integer(4) :: sum 
         integer(4) :: f=0 
         integer(4) :: ssum 
         integer(4) :: ierr 
         integer(4) :: iproc 
         integer(4) :: nproc 
         call MPI_INIT(ierr) 
         call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, nproc, ierr) 
         call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, iproc, ierr) 
         call loop_range(2, n, nproc, iproc, ista, iend) 
         sum = 0.0 
         print *,ista,"-",iend,">",iproc 
         do i = ista, iend 
         do j=2,INT(SQRT(REAL(i))) 
         if(MOD(i,j)==0) then 
         end if 
         end do 
         if(f==0) then 
         sum = sum + 1 
         end if 
         end do 
         call MPI_REDUCE(sum, ssum, 1, MPI_INTEGER,MPI_SUM, 0,MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) 
         if (iproc == 0) write(6,*)'Total No of primes=', ssum 
         call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr) 
        end program main 
        subroutine para_range(n1, n2, nprocs, irank, ista, iend) 
         integer(4) :: n1  ! Lowest value of iteration variable 
         integer(4) :: n2  ! Highest value of iteration variable 
         integer(4) :: nprocs ! No of Cores/Processors you want to use 
         integer(4) :: irank  ! Process rank 
         integer(4) :: ista  ! Start of iterations for rank iproc 
         integer(4) :: iend  ! End of iterations for rank iproc 
         integer(4) :: iwork1, iwork2 
         print *,irank 
         iwork1 = (n2 - n1 + 1)/nprocs 
         iwork2 = MOD(n2 - n1 + 1, nprocs) 
         ista = irank * iwork1 + n1 + MIN(irank, iwork2) 
         iend = ista + iwork1 - 1 
         if (iwork2 > irank) then 
          iend = iend + 1 
         end if 
        end subroutine para_range 



可能重複[開放MPI的隊伍是不是爲了(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20633008/open-mpi-ranks-是 - 不按順序) –



這個問題與您的其他問題(Open MPI ranks are not in order)幾乎相同,答案也是一樣的。你誤解了這個問題。



...initialize variables... 
...divide up work... 
...each work does the work assigned to it... 
...MPI_SEND result to rank 0... 
if (rank == 0) 
    MPI_RECV results from all processes 
    print results in order 