class Clock c where
rate :: c → Double
data AudRate
data CtrRate
instance Clock AudRate where
rate _ = 44100
instance Clock CtrRate where
rate _ = 4410
burst :: Clock p => Double -> SigFun p() Double
burst m = proc() -> do
burstEnv <- envLineSeg [1,1,0,0] [(m/(rate (undefined :: p))), (1/4410), (m+1/4410) ] -<()
noise <- noiseWhite 51 -<()
outA -< noise * burstEnv
GHC告訴我說:(R ate(undefined :: p))
Could not deduce (Clock p0) arising from a use of `rate'
from the context (Clock p)
bound by the type signature for
burst1 :: Clock p => Double -> SigFun p() Double
at Karplus.hs:11:11-49
The type variable `p0' is ambiguous
outFileHelp :: forall a p. (AudioSample a, Clock p) =>
([Double] -> [Double]) --^Post-processing function.
-> String --^Filename to write to.
-> Double --^Duration of the wav in seconds.
-> Signal p() a --^Signal representing the sound.
-> IO()
outFileHelp f filepath dur sf =
let sr = rate (undefined :: p)
numChannels = numChans (undefined :: a)
numSamples = truncate (dur * sr) * numChannels
dat = map (fromSample . (*0.999))
(f (toSamples dur sf)) :: [Int32]
-- multiply by 0.999 to avoid wraparound at 1.0
array = listArray (0, numSamples-1) dat
aud = Audio { sampleRate = truncate sr,
channelNumber = numChannels,
sampleData = array }
in exportFile filepath aud
順便說一句,這種傳遞幻象參數與'undefined'的方式是有風險的,有點過時。我會用['rate :: Tagged c Double'](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/tagged-0.8.2/docs/Data-Tagged.html)編寫新代碼。這也有點尷尬,但絕對更好。 – leftaroundabout