2017-07-03 33 views

我有一個WPF應用程序,它使用一個名爲ScreenCapture的類從我的堆棧溢出中複製出一個正在運行的Handbrake可執行文件的屏幕截圖。當我將System.Drawing.Bitmap對象轉換爲cv :: Mat

public class ScreenCapture 
    static extern int GetWindowRgn(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hRgn); 

    //Region Flags - The return value specifies the type of the region that the function obtains. It can be one of the following values. 
    const int ERROR = 0; 
    const int NULLREGION = 1; 
    const int SIMPLEREGION = 2; 
    const int COMPLEXREGION = 3; 

    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] 
    static extern bool GetWindowRect(HandleRef hWnd, out RECT lpRect); 

    static extern IntPtr CreateRectRgn(int nLeftRect, int nTopRect, int nRightRect, int nBottomRect); 

    [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] 
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] 
    static extern bool PrintWindow(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr hDC, uint nFlags); 

    public struct RECT 
     public int Left, Top, Right, Bottom; 

     public RECT(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) 
      Left = left; 
      Top = top; 
      Right = right; 
      Bottom = bottom; 

     public RECT(System.Drawing.Rectangle r) : this(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom) { } 

     public int X 
      get { return Left; } 
      set { Right -= (Left - value); Left = value; } 

     public int Y 
      get { return Top; } 
      set { Bottom -= (Top - value); Top = value; } 

     public int Height 
      get { return Bottom - Top; } 
      set { Bottom = value + Top; } 

     public int Width 
      get { return Right - Left; } 
      set { Right = value + Left; } 

     public System.Drawing.Point Location 
      get { return new System.Drawing.Point(Left, Top); } 
      set { X = value.X; Y = value.Y; } 

     public System.Drawing.Size Size 
      get { return new System.Drawing.Size(Width, Height); } 
      set { Width = value.Width; Height = value.Height; } 

     public static implicit operator System.Drawing.Rectangle(RECT r) 
      return new System.Drawing.Rectangle(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height); 

     public static implicit operator RECT(System.Drawing.Rectangle r) 
      return new RECT(r); 

     public static bool operator ==(RECT r1, RECT r2) 
      return r1.Equals(r2); 

     public static bool operator !=(RECT r1, RECT r2) 
      return !r1.Equals(r2); 

     public bool Equals(RECT r) 
      return r.Left == Left && r.Top == Top && r.Right == Right && r.Bottom == Bottom; 

     public override bool Equals(object obj) 
      if (obj is RECT) 
       return Equals((RECT)obj); 
      else if (obj is System.Drawing.Rectangle) 
       return Equals(new RECT((System.Drawing.Rectangle)obj)); 
      return false; 

     public override int GetHashCode() 
      return ((System.Drawing.Rectangle)this).GetHashCode(); 

     public override string ToString() 
      return string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{{Left={0},Top={1},Right={2},Bottom={3}}}", Left, Top, Right, Bottom); 
    public Bitmap GetScreenshot(IntPtr ihandle) 
     IntPtr hwnd = ihandle;//handle here 

     RECT rc; 
     GetWindowRect(new HandleRef(null, hwnd), out rc); 

     Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(rc.Right - rc.Left, rc.Bottom - rc.Top, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); 
     Graphics gfxBmp = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); 
     IntPtr hdcBitmap; 
      hdcBitmap = gfxBmp.GetHdc(); 
      return null; 
     bool succeeded = PrintWindow(hwnd, hdcBitmap, 0); 
     if (!succeeded) 
      gfxBmp.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Gray), new Rectangle(Point.Empty, bmp.Size)); 
     IntPtr hRgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); 
     GetWindowRgn(hwnd, hRgn); 
     Region region = Region.FromHrgn(hRgn);//err here once 
     if (!region.IsEmpty(gfxBmp)) 
     return bmp; 

    public void WriteBitmapToFile(string filename, Bitmap bitmap) 
     bitmap.Save(filename, ImageFormat.Bmp); 

因此,當下面的按鈕點擊處理程序被稱爲手剎窗口的屏幕截圖採取。 我將它寫入硬盤以確保其正常: handbrake screen shot。 我創建了一個CLR類庫ClassLibrary1 :: Class1的實例,並調用傳遞System.Drawing.Bitmap對象的方法「DoSomething」。

private void button4_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
    string wName = "HandBrake"; 
    IntPtr hWnd = IntPtr.Zero; 
    foreach (Process pList in Process.GetProcesses()) 
     if (pList.MainWindowTitle.Contains(wName)) 
      hWnd = pList.MainWindowHandle; 

      var sc = new ScreenCapture(); 

      var bitmap = sc.GetScreenshot(hWnd); 

      sc.WriteBitmapToFile("handbrake.bmp", bitmap); 

      Bitmap image1 = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("handbrake.bmp", true); 

      ClassLibrary1.Class1 opencv = new ClassLibrary1.Class1(); 


Inside DoSomething我嘗試將System.Drawing.Bitmap轉換爲OpenCV類cv :: Mat。我把簡歷:: imwrite以確保該位圖仍然是好的,不幸的是有些事情出了錯:mangled handbrake screenshot

void Class1::DoSomething(Bitmap ^mybitmap) 
cv::Mat *imgOriginal; 
// Lock the bitmap's bits. 
Rectangle rect = Rectangle(0, 0, mybitmap->Width, mybitmap->Height); 
Imaging::BitmapData^ bmpData = mybitmap->LockBits(rect, Imaging::ImageLockMode::ReadWrite, mybitmap->PixelFormat); 
    // Get the address of the first line. 
    IntPtr ptr = bmpData->Scan0; 

    // Declare an array to hold the bytes of the bitmap. 
    // This code is specific to a bitmap with 24 bits per pixels. 
    int bytes = Math::Abs(bmpData->Stride) * mybitmap->Height; 
    array<Byte>^rgbValues = gcnew array<Byte>(bytes); 

    // Copy the RGB values into the array. 
    System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::Copy(ptr, rgbValues, 0, bytes); 

    imgOriginal = new cv::Mat(mybitmap->Height, mybitmap->Width, CV_8UC3, (void *)ptr, std::abs(bmpData->Stride)); 
    finally { mybitmap->UnlockBits(bmpData); }//Remember to unlock!!! 

    cv::imwrite("from_mat.bmp", *imgOriginal); 



我不知道是不是因爲OpenCV通常使用BGR表示而不是RGB? – Dziugas



由於您的圖像水平拉伸,我打賭你選擇了錯誤的像素格式。 (它沒有垂直延伸,也沒有對角傾斜,所以步幅是正確的。)CV_8UC3指定每像素24位,但我認爲您的BMP文件使用每像素32位。

將您的像素格式切換爲CV_8UC4,或更好的方式是從圖像中讀取bits per pixel的編號並根據此格式選擇正確的CV格式。



這個伎倆!非常感謝。我的代表太低而無法回答。 –