我是VC++的新手,我嘗試使用類。我的子程序工作得很好,因爲它是直接的代碼,但是當我嘗試在類中使用它時,我總是收到錯誤 以下是頭文件的代碼。使用類Visual C++ 2010
[using namespace std;
#ifndef Deck_h
#define Deck_h
class Deck
// Default constructor
// access functions
// Member variables
int InDeck[53];
int OutDeck[53];
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Deck.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
{ // start of Deck
int InDeck[53];
int OutDeck[53];
int icard;
int isuit=1;
for(int i = 1; i<=52; i++)
{ // Begin For i
icard = i % 13;
if(icard == 0){icard=13;}
InDeck[i] = isuit * 1000 + icard;
OutDeck[i] = 0;
if(icard == 13){isuit ++;}
}// end of for i...
// Randomize InDeck into OutDeck
int t = 0;
for(int j = 1; j<=52; j++)
{ // begin for j
icard = rand() % 52 +1;
t = 0;
while (OutDeck[icard] >= 1000)
{ // while
icard = rand() % 52 +1;
if(t > 10)
{ // Don't take too long shuffling
for(int k=1; k<=52; k++)
{ // put card in first empty slot
if(OutDeck[k] < 1000) {
icard = k;
t = 0;
} // empty slot found
} //end of for k...
} // end of if t > 1000
} //end while
OutDeck[icard] = InDeck[j];
} // end for j
} // end of Deck
Deck mydeck;
array<PictureBox ^, 1>^pix = gcnew array<PictureBox ^, 1>(10);
pix[0] = this->pb1;
pix[1] = this->pb2;
pix[2] = this->pb3;
pix[3] = this->pb4;
pix[4] = this->pb5;
pix[5] = this->pb6;
pix[6] = this->pb7;
pix[7] = this->pb8;
pix[8] = this->pb9;
pix[9] = this->pb10;
for(int p = 1; p<= 10; p++)
{pix[p-1]->Image = Bitmap::FromFile("c:\\users\\Bob K\\Documents\\pictures\\" + System::Convert::ToString(mydeck.OutDeck[p]) + ".bmp");
} //End of Form1 load
1 > Deck.cpp
1> CardsOne.obj:錯誤LNK2028:無法解析的標記(0A000013)「public:__clrcall Deck ::〜Deck(void)」(?? 1Deck @@ $$ FQAM @ XZ)在函數「private:void __clrcall CardsOne :: Form1 :: Form1_Load(class System :: Object ^,class System :: EventArgs ^)」(?Form1_Load @ Form1 @ CardsOne @@ $$ FA $ AAMXP $ AAVObject @ System @@ P> AAVEventArgs @ 4 @@ Z)
1> CardsOne.obj:error LNK2019:無法解析的外部符號「public:__clrcall Deck ::〜Deck(void)」(?? 1Deck @@ $$ FQAM @ XZ)函數「private:void __clrcall CardsOne :: Form1 :: Form1_Load(System System :: Object ^,class System :: EventArgs ^)」(?Form1_Load @ Form1 @ CardsOne @@ $$ FA $ AAMXP $ AAVObject @ System @@ P $ AAVEventArgs @ 4 @@ Z)
1> C:\ Users \ Bob K \ Documents \ Visual Studio 2010 \ Projects \ CardsOne \ Debug \ CardsOne.exe:致命錯誤LNK1120:2個未解析的外部設備
那不是C++,那是C++/CX或C++/CLI請正確標記。 – PeterT
你的代碼中有很多奇怪的東西。爲什麼你的套牌有* 53 *卡?並且'&Deck :: Deck()'中的'&'是什麼?在構造函數的主體中,您將創建兩個局部變量'InDeck'和'OutDeck',它們將影響具有相同名稱的數據成員。你從[1,52]而不是[0,52]索引。最後,C++/CLI *不是* C++! – Praetorian