2015-12-11 201 views


array (size=48) 
    0 => 
    array (size=19) 
     'type' => string 'house' (length=5) 
     'name' => string 'House Committee on Agriculture' (length=30) 
     'url' => string 'http://agriculture.house.gov/' (length=29) 
     'minority_url' => string 'http://democrats.agriculture.house.gov/' (length=39) 
     'thomas_id' => string 'HSAG' (length=4) 
     'house_committee_id' => string 'AG' (length=2) 
     'subcommittees' => string '' (length=0) 
     0 => 
     array (size=4) 
      'name' => string 'Conservation and Forestry' (length=25) 
      'thomas_id' => string '15' (length=2) 
      'address' => string '1301 LHOB; Washington, DC 20515' (length=31) 
      'phone' => string '(202) 225-2171' (length=14) 
     1 => 
     array (size=4) 
      'name' => string 'Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit' (length=39) 
      'thomas_id' => string '22' (length=2) 
      'address' => string '1301 LHOB; Washington, DC 20515' (length=31) 
      'phone' => string '(202) 225-2171' (length=14) 
     2 => 
     array (size=4) 
      'name' => string 'General Farm Commodities and Risk Management' (length=44) 
      'thomas_id' => string '16' (length=2) 
      'address' => string '1301 LHOB; Washington, DC 20515' (length=31) 
      'phone' => string '(202) 225-2171' (length=14) 
     3 => 
     array (size=4) 
      'name' => string 'Livestock and Foreign Agriculture' (length=33) 
      'thomas_id' => string '29' (length=2) 
      'address' => string '1301 LHOB; Washington, DC 20515' (length=31) 
      'phone' => string '(202) 225-2171' (length=14) 
     4 => 
     array (size=4) 
      'name' => string 'Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research' (length=41) 
      'thomas_id' => string '14' (length=2) 
      'address' => string '1301 LHOB; Washington, DC 20515' (length=31) 
      'phone' => string '(202) 225-2171' (length=14) 
     5 => 
     array (size=4) 
      'name' => string 'Nutrition' (length=9) 
      'thomas_id' => string '03' (length=2) 
      'address' => string '1301 LHOB; Washington, DC 20515' (length=31) 
      'phone' => string '(202) 225-2171' (length=14) 
     'address' => string '1301 LHOB; Washington, DC 20515-6001' (length=36) 
     'phone' => string '(202) 225-2171' (length=14) 
     'rss_url' => string 'http://agriculture.house.gov/rss.xml' (length=36) 
     'minority_rss_url' => string 'http://democrats.agriculture.house.gov/Rss.aspx?GroupID=1' (length=57) 
     'jurisdiction' => 
     array (size=3) 
      0 => string 'policy and oversight of some federal agencies, and it can recommend funding appropriations' (length=90) 
      1 => string 'for various governmental agencies, programs, and activities, as defined by House' (length=80) 
      2 => string 'rules.' (length=6) 
     'jurisdiction_source' => string 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_Committee_on_Agriculture' (length=59) 

有一些值I需要提取到一個數組,subcomittess是lenght 0的一個字符串,但在這種情況下具有6個塊並且每個塊都是一個數組,但是,我怎樣才能獲得子合作伙伴和管轄權的信息?




此問題尚不清楚。你是什​​麼意思你想「獲得小組委員會和管轄權的信息」?提供你嘗試過的東西以及它失敗的例子。 – pocketfullofcheese


您是否期望'subcommittees'成爲指向一組對象的關鍵?如果是這樣,你的代碼不是這種情況。子數組本身沒有密鑰。 –


這個數組來自哪裏?如果它是你的代碼創建它,你需要在那裏尋找一個錯誤,像'$ your_array [] = $ subcommittee;'而不是'$ your_array ['subcommittees'] [] = $ subcommittee;'。 –





這是真的,但我懷疑問題出在首先創建數組的代碼中,正如@ Don'tPanic所述。 – Barmar