#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
std::string Type(int no)
cout << "this arrives: " << no;
return ("this arrives: "+ no);
int main()
int num; //ID input
int i = 0;
ifstream reader("TypeID.txt"); //File with ID names
if (!reader) {
cout << "Error opening input file" << endl; //Display error
else {
cout << "input TypeID number" << endl; //When sucsesful display user instructions
while (true) //while the file has loaded run Type conversion
cout << "TypeId: "; //Prompt user to enter Type no
cin >> num; //put input into int "num"
while (num > 0) { //num greater than 0
cout << endl;
} //as long as input is greater than 0 Type functio is run and Type name is returned
cout << endl << "Next number for conversion" << endl;
return 2;
什麼行會導致錯誤? – 2014-09-27 15:35:56
當它運行並輸入一個6位數字後,它會中斷。源代碼沒有錯誤。 – user3797758 2014-09-27 15:37:43
源代碼確實有錯誤,否則會起作用。我問的是,什麼行導致崩潰? (提示:在調試器中運行它。) – 2014-09-27 15:38:20