編輯:智能模式的算法是2減1的冪,IE 2^4 = 16-1 = 15,但是我不知道如何用pileSize數學地工作,所以我只用了很多的if語句。
void Nim();
int PlayerTurn(int);
int ComputerTurn(int);
int SmartComputer(int);
int main()
return 0;
int PlayerTurn(int pileSize)
int userInput = 0;
bool flag = true;
while(flag == true)
cout << "There are " << pileSize << " in the pile" << endl;
cout << "How many do you want to take? ";
cin >> userInput;
if (userInput > 1 && userInput < (pileSize/2))
pileSize = pileSize - userInput;
flag = false;
cout << "Error, that's not a valid move." << endl;
return pileSize;
int ComputerTurn(int pileSize)
cout << "The computer will take from the pile. " << endl;
pileSize = pileSize - rand() % (pileSize/2);
return pileSize;
int SmartComputer(int pileSize)
cout << "The computer will take from the pile. " << endl;
if (pileSize>63)
pileSize = 63;
else if (pileSize>31&&pileSize<63)
pileSize = 31;
else if (pileSize>15&&pileSize<31)
pileSize = 15;
else if (pileSize>7&&pileSize<15)
pileSize = 7;
else if (pileSize>3&&pileSize<7)
pileSize = 3;
pileSize = pileSize - rand() % (pileSize/2);
return pileSize;
void Nim()
int pileSize = rand()% (100-10) + 10;
bool smartOrStupid = rand() % 2;
if (smartOrStupid == true)
cout << "The computer is in smart mode." << endl;
bool turn = rand() % 2;
if (turn = true)
cout << "The computer will got first. " << endl;
cout << "The player will go first. " << endl;
if (turn = true)
if (smartOrStupid = true)
pileSize = SmartComputer(pileSize);
cout << pileSize;
pileSize = ComputerTurn(pileSize);
cout << pileSize;
pileSize = PlayerTurn(pileSize);
cout << pileSize;
我注意到的一件事是'if(turn = true)'應該是'if(turn == true)'。這就是爲什麼我總是把常數放在左邊。 –
啊,是的。我總是犯這樣的愚蠢錯誤。謝謝。我仍然錯過了前兩個輸出之外的任何東西,但我會繼續尋找。 – Santa
另外,在'while(pileSize!= 1);' –