2017-01-09 128 views


table 1

colum1 | colum2 | colum3 
test1 | pizza | margarita 
test1 | pizza | cheese  
test1 | pizza | hawaii  
test1 | burger | salad  
test2 | pizza | margarita 
test2 | pizza | ham  
test2 | burger | tomat  
test2 | burger | salad  
test3 | pig | green  
test3 | cow | green  
test3 | cow | yellow  
test3 | pig | bird  

table 2

colum1 | colum2 | colum3 
test1 | pizza | margarita 
test1 | pizza | hawaii  <-- different spot than before 
test1 | pizza | cheese  <-- different spot than before 
test1 | burger | salad  
test2 | pizza | margarita 
test2 | pizza | ham  
------ | ------ | --------- <-- no value between those (so its missing) 
test2 | burger | salad  
test3 | pig | green  
test3 | cow | green  
test3 | cow | yellow  
test3 | pig | bird  


  table1     table2 
test1 | pizza | margarita | test1 | pizza | margarita 
test1 | pizza | cheese | test1 | pizza | hawaii  <<<shows all `test1` because this one is different 
test1 | pizza | hawaii | test1 | pizza | cheese  
test1 | burger| salad  | test1 | pizza | salad  
test2 | pizza | margarita | test2 | pizza | margarita 
test2 | pizza | ham  | test2 | pizza | ham  
test2 | burger| tomat  |  |  |    <<<shows all `test2` because this one is different 
test2 | burger| salad  | test2 | burger| salad  




這是什麼意思*訂單*在這裏? –


表格數據是無序的。 – jarlh


這是一個簡單的有序完整外部聯接,其中過濾掉第二個表格列中的一個空值。獎金:這是沒有意義的「如果一列相同,然後檢查所有列是相同的,簡單去」所有列都是一樣的 –




row_number() over (order by (select 0)) as rowId 


;with t1 as (
    select *, row_number() over (order by (select 0)) as rowId 
    from table1 
), t2 as (
    select *, row_number() over (order by (select 0)) as rowId 
    from table2 
), t as (
select t1.rowId, t1.colum1, t1.colum2, t1.colum3 
    , coalesce(t2.rowId - t1.rowId, 999999999) + sum(case when t2.rowId is null then 1 else 0 end) over (order by t1.rowId) cs 
from t1 full outer join t2 
    on t1.colum1 = t2.colum1 and t1.colum2 = t2.colum2 and t1.colum3 = t2.colum3 
select t.colum1, t.colum2, t.colum3, 
    case when t.cs >= 999999999 then 'skipped' 
     when t.cs = 0 then '' 
     else 'replaced' 
    end table2State 
from t 
order by t.rowId; 


colum1 | colum2 | colum3 | table2State 
test1 | pizza  | margarita | 
test1 | pizza  | cheese | replaced 
test1 | pizza  | hawaii | replaced 
test1 | burger | salad  | 
test2 | pizza  | margarita | 
test2 | pizza  | ham  | 
test2 | burger | tomat  | skipped 
test2 | burger | salad  | 
test3 | pig  | green  | 

這幾乎可行,當我用'test3 | pig | bird'切換'test3 | pig | green'時,它會給出正確的答案。 e只有在值低於或低於本身時才檢測到開關。當colum1具有相同的值時,可以在這些值中切換。因此'test1'和'test2'和'test3'之間的值可以切換。但他們不能在這些之外切換。所以在這個例子中'pizza |瑪格麗塔「可以切換到其他3個地方 –




但是,該順序差異會丟失。 – jarlh


您可以通過以下方式添加訂單: (select * from t1 order by 1)x left join(select * from t2 order by 1)y on ... – Dexion


但這不是OP所要求的 – jarlh