我是ActionScript新手,我有一個問題。Actionscript Class Communication
我是ActionScript新手,我有一個問題。Actionscript Class Communication
public class Game extends MovieClip {
public var enemy:Enemy; //enemy can be a timeline instance
public var player:Player //can also be a timeline instance
public function Game() {
//for this to work enemy must exist on frame one of the Game MC
//and stay around for the rest of the MC's lifespan
enemy.addEventListener(EnemyEvent.COLLISION, onEnemyCollision);
protected function onEnemyCollision(e:EnemyEvent):void {
//the enemy!!!
public class Enemy extends Sprite {
//I actually don't understand why this is a function on enemy.
//I wouldn't have designed it this way.
//What is calling it?
public function collision(withPlayer:Player):void {
dispatchEvent(new EnemyEvent(EnemyEvent.COLLISION, withPlayer));
//the player
public class Player extends Sprite {
public var lives:int=10;
//the enemy event
public class EnemyEvent extends Event {
public static const COLLISION:String = 'Big badda boom.';//Fifth Element reference
public var player:Player;
public function EnemyEvent(type:String, player:Player) {
super(type, true, true);
this.player = player;
public function clone():Event {
new EnemyEvent(type, player);
'+ 1'。 – Marty 2012-03-16 02:44:57
在這種情況下,OP可能不需要事件。我懷疑稱爲「碰撞」的「東西」也知道玩家,但這不是問題的表達方式。 – 2012-03-16 17:16:23
儘管我真的很不喜歡大量事件驅動的遊戲,但它可能與[ActionScript類號通信]重複(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9728927/actionscript-class-number-communication) – Marty 2012-03-15 23:06:52