2017-02-16 55 views
import java.util.Scanner; 
public class ContainerCalculator { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

      Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in); 

      //Print the Welcome message 
      System.out.println("Welcome to the Container Calculator!"); 

      //Set the value that users just input to height 

      //Variable Declaration 

      //Declare the diameter of a cylinder 
      float d = 0; 
      //Declare the height of a cylinder 
      float h = 0; 
      //Declare the volume of a cylinder 
      float v = 0; 
      //Declare the surface are of a cylinder 
      float s = 0; 

      //Set the value that users just input to diameter 

      //Ask users to input the diameter and height of a cylinder 

      System.out.print("Enter the diameter of a cylinder (in centimeters): "); 
      boolean validDiameter = false; 
      do { 
        if (scnr.hasNextInt()){ 
          d = scnr.nextInt(); 
          if (d <= 0) { 
            System.out.print("Please enter a positive integer value: "); 
          else { 
          validDiameter = true; 
        else { 
          System.out.print("Please enter an integer value (less than 2,147,483,648) as decimal digits: "); 
      } while (!validDiameter); 

      System.out.print("Enter the height of a cylinder (in centimeters): "); 
      boolean validHeight = false; 
      do { 
        if (scnr.hasNextInt()){ 
          h = scnr.nextInt(); 
          if (h <= 0) { 
            System.out.print("Please enter a positive integer value: "); 
          else { 
          validHeight = true; 
        else { 
          System.out.print("Please enter an integer value (less than 2,147,483,648) as decimal digits: "); 
      } while (!validHeight); 

      //Calculate the value of volume and surface area of the cylinder 
      v = (float) ((h*Math.PI*d*d)/4.0); 
      s = (float) ((Math.PI*d*d/2 + d*Math.PI*h)); 

      //Print the value of volume 

      System.out.println("A can with a diameter of " + d+ " and a height of "+ h+ " has "); 
      //Print with only two places to the right of the decimal 
      System.out.printf("\ta volume of %.2f", v); 

      //Print the value of surface area 

      //Print with only two places to the right of the decimal 
      System.out.printf("\tand a surface area of %.2f", s); 

      double newVolume ; 
      double newSurface ; 
      double bestVolume = 0; 
      double bestSurface = 0; 
      double newD = 0; 
      double newH = 0; 
      double bestD = 0; 
      double bestH = 0;    

      for (newD = 1.0; newD <= v; newD++) { 
        for (newH = 1.0; newH <= v; newH++){ 

          newVolume = (float) ((newH*Math.PI*newD*newD)/4.0); 
          newSurface = (float) ((Math.PI*newD*newD/2 + newD*Math.PI*newH)); 

           if (newVolume > v && newSurface < s) 

            bestVolume = newVolume; 
            bestSurface = newSurface; 
            bestD = newD; 
            bestH = newH; 


      System.out.println("*** Surface Area Optimizer ***"); 

      System.out.println("A can with a diameter of " + bestD+ " and a height of "+ bestH+ " has "); 
      //Print with only two places to the right of the decimal 
      System.out.printf("\ta volume of %.2f", bestVolume); 

      //Print the value of surface area 

      //Print with only two places to the right of the decimal 
      System.out.printf("\tand a surface area of %.2f", bestSurface); 

      //Print the end message 
      System.out.println("Thank you for using the Container Calculator."); 




您是否在單步調試器中執行代碼?如果不是,請現在就這樣做。在for循環中使用 –


。嘗試將newD和newH的值更改爲「0.0」 –


我試過了,但我仍然不知道如何存儲最小的表面積的最佳直徑和高度 – Sharon



的問題是在這裏:if (newVolume > v && newSurface < s)

你試圖找到一種表面比上最好的面小,所以用這個條件來代替:if (newVolume >= v && newSurface < bestSurface)

萬一進入hd已經最優的,best*變量應該被初始化爲「原始」值,例如bestVolume = v


評論僅供參考,這個對話已經[轉移到聊天](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/136041/discussion-on-answer-by-bjorn-vardal-how-to-find-the-best-pairs-in- for循環式)。 –