我無法創建一個功能,那應該有兩個參數的JavaScript - 創建一個簡單的功能
UzelFunkce : function(fn, invFn) {
我無法創建一個功能,那應該有兩個參數的JavaScript - 創建一個簡單的功能
UzelFunkce : function(fn, invFn) {
// didn't really test this, but the ideas should be there
function UzelFunkce(fn, fnInv) {
var fns = {
sin: function(x) return MATH.sin(x),
cos: function(x) return MATH.cos(x),
tan: function(x) return MATH.tan(x),
cot: function(x) return 1/MATH.tan(x)
var fnInvs = {
arcSin: function(x) return MATH.asin(x),
arcCos: function(x) return MATH.acos(x),
arcTan: function(x) return MATH.atan(x),
arcCot: function(x) return MATH.atan(1/x)
if (typeof fns[fn] !== 'undefined'
&& typeof fnInvs[fnInv] !== 'undefined') {
// both fn and fnInverse are valid according to the object above
// and allows you to use fns[fn](x) and fnInvs[fnInv](x)
// or...
fn = fns[fn], fnInv = fnInvs[fnInv];
// fn & fnInv are now valid functions based on the string input.
// I don't suggest editing the parameters/arguments unless you know what you are doing
// You should also add checks on input, making sure they are strings or w/e
非常感謝你,你明白我的意思:-) – Cappylol 2014-12-07 21:29:41
所以哪裏是問題嗎? – Grundy 2014-12-07 20:57:24
你應該使用:'UzelFunkce:功能(FN,invFn)'代替冗長的文字和保留字... – 2014-12-07 20:57:35
好吧,我有改名功能FN,等來invFn,以及我需要的是,這個功能應該返回這個東西(sin cos ...) – Cappylol 2014-12-07 20:59:16