2013-10-17 41 views


- Error while loading route: TypeError {} 
- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined 
- Port: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. 

的我試圖打開網址是:/#/音軌/ 85


Shoutzor = Ember.Application.create(); 
Shoutzor.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({ 
    namespace: '/api/emberstore', 
    host: 'http://www.shoutzor.nl' 

var attr = DS.attr, 
    hasMany = DS.hasMany, 
    belongsTo = DS.belongsTo; 

Shoutzor.Track = DS.Model.extend({ 
    id: attr('number'), 
    title: attr('string'), 
    //length: attr('number'), 
    //artist: hasMany('artist'), 
    //album: hasMany('album'), 

    /* Convert the length in seconds to a string like '01:55' */ 
    convertedLength: function() { 
     var sec_num = parseInt(this.get('length'), 10); // don't forget the second parm 
     var hours = Math.floor(sec_num/3600); 
     var minutes = Math.floor((sec_num - (hours * 3600))/60); 
     var seconds = sec_num - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60); 

     if (hours < 10 && hours > 0) {hours = "0"+hours;} 
     if (minutes < 10 && minutes > 0) {minutes = "0"+minutes;} 
     if (seconds < 10) {seconds = "0"+seconds;} 
     var time = ((hours != 0) ? hours + ':' : '') + ((minutes != 0) ? minutes +':' : '') + seconds; 

     return time; 

Shoutzor.Album = DS.Model.extend({ 
    id: attr('number'), 
    artist: belongsTo('artist'), 
    title: attr('string'), 
    cover: attr('string') 

Shoutzor.Artist = DS.Model.extend({ 
    id: attr('number'), 
    name: attr('string'), 
    profileimage: attr('string') 

Shoutzor.Router.map(function() { 
    //Track Page 
    this.route("track", { path: "/track/:id" }); 

Shoutzor.TrackRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ 
    setupController: function(controller) { 
     controller.set('pageTitle', "Track"); 

    renderTemplate: function() { 
     this.render('TrackContent', { outlet: 'pageContent', into: 'application' }); 

    model: function(params) { 
     return this.store.find('track', params.id); 

Shoutzor.TrackController = Ember.Controller.extend(); 

Shoutzor.TrackView = Ember.View.extend(); 


{"tracks":{"id":85,"title":"Untitled","file":{"filename":"Lines of Latitude - You want it (Free Download).mp3","filepath":"\/home\/vhosts\/domains\/shoutzor\/music\/Lines of Latitude - You want it (Free Download).mp3","crc":"51ca8346","length":262,"id3":[]},"artist":[],"album":[]}} 





您不需要在模型類中包含id: DS.attr()。此外,對於單個資源的響應應該有根密鑰track而不是tracks

{"track":{"id":85,"title":"Untitled","file":{"filename":"Lines of Latitude - You want it (Free Download).mp3","filepath":"\/home\/vhosts\/domains\/shoutzor\/music\/Lines of Latitude - You want it (Free Download).mp3","crc":"51ca8346","length":262,"id3":[]},"artist":[],"album":[]}}` 

的作品:)謝謝!你知道如何讓RESTAdapter以「/」結尾嗎? – xorinzor


如果你需要玩的URL構造,嘗試覆蓋RESTAdapter#buildURL – ahaurw01


我有一個後續問題,希望你們可以幫助我http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19431300/ember-data-assertion-failed-不能叩獲得與 - 查詢上的,不確定的對象 – xorinzor