public abstract class FileProcesser
private string _filePath;
protected FileProcessor(string filePath)
if (filePath == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath");
// etc etc
_filePath = filePath;
// some example methods for this file
public abstract int GetFileDataCount();
public abstract IEnumerable<FileItem> GetFileDataItems();
// specific implementation for say, a PDF type of file
public class PdfFileProcesser : FileProcessor
public PdfFileProcessor(string filePath) : base(filePath) {}
// implemented methods
// specific implementation for a type HTML file
public class HtmlFileProcessor : FileProcessor
public HtmlFileProcessor(string filePath) : base(filePath) {}
// implemented methods
public class ProcessMyStuff()
public void RunMe()
// the code retrieves the file (example dummy code for concept)
List<string> myFiles = GetFilePaths();
foreach (var file in myFiles)
if (Path.GetExtension(file) == ".pdf")
FileProcessor proc = new PdfFileProcessor(file);
// do stuff
else if (Path.GetExtension(file) == ".html")
FileProcessor proc = new HtmlFileProcessor(file);
// do stuff
// and so on for any types of files I may have
// error
看看「抽象工廠模式」。 – EkoostikMartin
這幾乎是工廠的基本情況。 http://www.dotnetperls.com/factory –
您似乎正在實施戰略模式。我更傾向於創建一個Processor類,它包含一個IProcessFiles接口,該接口定義所涉及的基本方法,併爲每種類型單獨運行處理器,每個處理器只查找可處理的文件類型。這可能效率較低,但它更乾淨。 – Magus