- 添加動畫漸變添加和刪除行
- 爲什麼中行的前面數字時加入新行被顯示不正確時?
<table id="table">
<th width="8" scope="col"> </th>
<th width="131" scope="col">Roba/Usluga</th>
<th width="144" scope="col">Jmj</th>
<th width="144" scope="col">Količina</th>
<th width="144" scope="col">Jed. cijena</th>
<th width="144" scope="col">Rabat</th>
<th width="81" scope="col"> </th>
<select name="sif_roba1" id="sif_roba1">
<option value="">Please select</option>
<option value="1">David Hasselhoff</option>
<option value="2">Michael Jackson</option>
<option value="3">Tina Turner</option>
<select name="idjmj1" id="idjmj1">
<option value="">Please select</option>
<option value="1">David Hasselhoff</option>
<option value="2">Michael Jackson</option>
<option value="3">Tina Turner</option>
<input name="cijena1" id="cijena1">
<input name="track1" id="track1">
<input name="rabat1" id="rabat1">
<button class="remove_button">Remove</button>
<button type="button" class="add" onClick="clickMe();">Add</button>
$(document).ready(function ($) {
// trigger event when button is clicked
$("button.add").click(function() {
// add new row to table using addTableRow function
// prevent button redirecting to new page
return false;
// function to add a new row to a table by cloning the last row and
// incrementing the name and id values by 1 to make them unique
function addTableRow(table) {
rowCount = 0;
$("#table tr td:first-child").each(function() {
// clone the last row in the table
var $tr = $(table).find("tbody tr:last").clone();
// get the name attribute for the input and select fields
$tr.find("input,select").attr("name", function() {
// break the field name and it's number into two parts
var parts = this.id.match(/(\D+)(\d+)$/);
// create a unique name for the new field by incrementing
// the number for the previous field by 1
return parts[1] + ++parts[2];
// repeat for id attributes
}).attr("id", function() {
var parts = this.id.match(/(\D+)(\d+)$/);
return parts[1] + ++parts[2];
// append the new row to the table
$(table).find("tbody tr:last").after($tr);
// remove rows
$(".remove_button").live("click", function() {
謝謝,這就是它!只有一件事,當刪除一行時,輸入名稱= + 1等變量保持不變,這是不好的。有可能改變,所以變量與行號相同嗎?例如,如果行號爲3,則該行中的所有輸入框變量也應爲name = item3。 – targsx 2013-03-16 16:11:15
此外,你的小提琴中的某些reasone的行在你每次添加時都會變得更明亮:) – targsx 2013-03-16 16:32:57