2017-03-23 37 views

我正在製作具有大量3D形狀的應用程序,我需要它們完全透明且帶有邊框。我試圖找到任何方式將邊框應用於Shape3D,特別是Box和Sphere,但我找不到任何東西。所以我的問題是:具有邊框的javafx Shape3D

  • 有沒有辦法如何添加邊界到Shape3D?
  • 如果是,該怎麼辦?

我想你不是在談論使用'drawMode'' DrawMode.LINE'繪製線框? – fabian


您無法通過API將邊框添加到JavaFX中的任意Shape3D中。 – Birdasaur


您可以使用FXyz3d.org PolyLine3D算法等算法創建第二個網格,該網格基本上會跟蹤第一個網格的頂點。這實質上將創建一個骨架結構作爲單個網格。無論您採用哪種算法,都必須在一定程度上模擬原始網格的纏繞模式。這可能必須爲任何特定網格定製。我不確定有可能有這樣的通用跟蹤算法。 (至少在JavaFX 3D中) – Birdasaur




public void createBoxLines(double contW, double contH, double contD, double x, double y, double z) { 
     //You call this method to create a box with a size and location you put in 
     //This method calls the createLine method for all the sides of your rectangle 
     Point3D p1 = new Point3D(x, y, z); 
     Point3D p2 = new Point3D(contW + x, y, z); 
     Point3D p3 = new Point3D(x, contH + y, z); 
     Point3D p4 = new Point3D(contW + x, contH + y, z); 
     createLine(p1, p2); 
     createLine(p1, p3); 
     createLine(p3, p4); 
     createLine(p2, p4); 

     Point3D p5 = new Point3D(x, y, contD + z); 
     Point3D p6 = new Point3D(contW + x, y, contD + z); 
     Point3D p7 = new Point3D(x, contH + y, contD + z); 
     Point3D p8 = new Point3D(contW + x, contH + y, contD + z); 
     createLine(p5, p6); 
     createLine(p5, p7); 
     createLine(p7, p8); 
     createLine(p6, p8); 

     createLine(p1, p5); 
     createLine(p2, p6); 
     createLine(p3, p7); 
     createLine(p4, p8); 

    double strokewidth = 1; 
    public void createLine(Point3D origin, Point3D target) {   
     //creates a line from one point3d to another 

     Point3D yAxis = new Point3D(0, 1, 0); 
     Point3D diff = target.subtract(origin); 
     double height = diff.magnitude(); 

     Point3D mid = target.midpoint(origin); 
     Translate moveToMidpoint = new Translate(mid.getX(), mid.getY(), mid.getZ()); 

     Point3D axisOfRotation = diff.crossProduct(yAxis); 
     double angle = Math.acos(diff.normalize().dotProduct(yAxis)); 
     Rotate rotateAroundCenter = new Rotate(-Math.toDegrees(angle), axisOfRotation); 

     Cylinder line = new Cylinder(strokewidth, height); 

     line.getTransforms().addAll(moveToMidpoint, rotateAroundCenter); 


的createLine方法必須另外使用在不同的點之間劃線。 我不能提供很多意見,因爲我基本上從一些博客複製它。雖然我很難再次找到這個博客。


考慮在代碼中添加一些註釋以闡明它的功能。 –