2013-10-03 237 views
import sys, Image, scipy, cv2, numpy 
from scipy.misc import imread 
from cv2 import cv 
from SRM import SRM 

def ndarrayToIplImage (source): 
"""Conversion of ndarray to iplimage""" 
    image = cv.CreateImageHeader((source.shape[1], source.shape[0]), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) 
    cv.SetData(image, source.tostring(), source.dtype.itemsize * 3 * source.shape[1]) 
    return image 

"""Main Program""" 

filename = "snap.jpeg" 
Q = 64 

im = imread(filename) 
name = filename[:-4] 

img = Image.fromarray(im) 

if img.size[0] > 200 or img.size[1] > 200: 
    ratio = img.size[0]/img.size[1] 
    size = int(ratio*200), 200 
    img = numpy.array(img.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)) 

    srm = SRM(img, Q) 
    classes, map = srm.map() 

    """Converting ndarray to PIL Image to iplimage""" 
    pil_img = Image.fromarray(map) 
    cv_img = cv.CreateImageHeader(pil_img.size, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) 
    cv.SetData(cv_img, pil_img.tostring(), pil_img.size[0]*3) 
    print type(cv_img) ##prints <type 'cv2.cv.iplimage'> 

    """Using ndarrayToIplImage function also gives the same error!""" 

    cv_img if of type iplimage but still gives error while using cv.ShowImage() 
    or cv.SaveImage(). 

    There is no error displayed. Just the console hangs... 


我使用的SRM(統計區域合併)提供包被保存由cv.SaveImage()在this page.損壞圖像中的OpenCV


這是懸掛後控制檯關閉後保存的圖像。 它使用cv.SaveImage()

After getting error


enter image description here

這是應該已經保存的圖像。我用scipy.misc.imsave('image.jpg', map)來保存這個。

Should have been!


如果你嘗試'cv2.imwrite()'會發生什麼?你不需要轉換成'IplImage';它可以直接保存'ndarray'。 – Aurelius


@Aurelius我甚至試過,但它沒有幫助,雖然控制檯沒有掛這次。我編輯了所問的問題 –



爲什麼你使用的IplImage和PIL? SRM庫讀取numpy數組,然後從cv2.imread(image)獲得一個numpy數組,然後如果需要調整yuor圖像的大小,可以使用opencv函數cv2.resize(...)。最後,你可以保存與cv2.imwrite(...)代碼OpenCV的圖像應該出現這樣的:

import sys, cv2, numpy 
from SRM import SRM 

"""Main Program""" 

filename = "snap.jpeg" 
Q = 64 

img = cv2.imread(filename) 
name = filename[:-4] 

if img.shape[0] > 200 or img.shape[1] > 200: 
    ratio = img.shape[0] * 1./img.shape[1] 
    size = (int(ratio * 200), 200) 

    img = cv2.resize(img, size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) 

    srm = SRM(img, Q) 

    classes, srmMap = srm.map() # Map is a python function, use different variable name 
    srmMap = srmMap.astype('uint8') # or you can try other opencv supported type 
    # I suppose that srmMap is your image returned as numpy array 
    cv2.imwrite('name.jpeg', srmMap) 
    # or 
    cv2.imshow('image', srmMap) 