# let explode str = (*defines function that explodes argument str witch is type
string into list of chars*)
let rec exp = function (*defines recursive function exp*)
| a, b when a < 0 -> b (*this part i dont know.is this pattern
matching ?is it function with arguments a and b
and they go into expression? when is a guard and
then we have if a is smaller than 0 then b *)
(*if a is not smaller than 0 then this function ? *)
| a, b -> exp (a-1, str.[a]::b) (*this i dont know, a and b are arguments
that go into recursive function in the way
that a is decreesed by one and b goes into
string a?? *)
exp ((String.length str)-1, []);; (*defined function exp on string lenght of
str decresed by one (why?) [ ]these
brackets mean or tell some kind of type ? *)
# let split lst ch =
let rec split = function (* defines recursive fun split *)
| [], ch, cacc', aacc' -> cacc'::aacc'(* if empty ...this is about what i got
so far :) *)
| c::lst, ch, cacc', aacc' when c = ch -> split (lst, ch, [], cacc'::aacc')
| c::lst, ch, cacc', aacc' -> split (lst, ch, c::cacc', aacc')
split (lst, ch, [], []);;
val split : 'a list -> 'a -> 'a list list = <fun>
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我已經做到了。 – user1393318