2015-07-06 52 views




Date  Value 
7/6/2015 0 
7/5/2015 0 
7/4/2015 0 
7/3/2015 0 
7/2/2015 0 
7/1/2015 100 


Date  Value 
7/3/2015 2 
7/1/2015 3 

如果表A的值列不具有任何值,那麼我們必須更新TableA->使用TableB- VALUE> VALUE +最少日期值(100)。這裏TableA的最小日期值是100.所以我需要TableA中的值(100 + tableB-> VALUE)。

Date  Value 
7/6/2015 105 Carry forward the last value of this column 
7/5/2015 105 Carry forward the last value of this column 
7/4/2015 105 Carry forward the last value of this column 
7/3/2015 105 103+2(VALUE of TableB) 
7/2/2015 103 Carry forward the last value of this column 
7/1/2015 103 (100 +3(VALUE of TableB) 





**請儘快給我查詢。**? –




with tablea as (select to_date('06/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 0 value from dual union all 
       select to_date('05/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 0 value from dual union all 
       select to_date('04/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 0 value from dual union all 
       select to_date('03/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 0 value from dual union all 
       select to_date('02/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 0 value from dual union all 
       select to_date('01/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 100 value from dual), 
    tableb as (select to_date('03/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 2 value from dual union all 
       select to_date('01/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 3 value from dual) 
select ta.dt, 
     last_value(decode(ta.value, 0, null, ta.value) ignore nulls) over (order by ta.dt) 
     + sum(tb.value) over (order by ta.dt) new_value 
from tablea ta 
     left outer join tableb tb on (ta.dt = tb.dt) 
order by ta.dt desc; 

---------- ---------- 
06/07/2015  105 
05/07/2015  105 
04/07/2015  105 
03/07/2015  105 
02/07/2015  103 
01/07/2015  103 

但是,你不說經過一系列的零時,有一個在一個非零值,會發生什麼價值觀,很難說這是否會按照你在這種情況下的預期行事。例如,使用相同的數據,但tablea.value = 200爲7月4日:

with tablea as (select to_date('06/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 0 value from dual union all 
       select to_date('05/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 0 value from dual union all 
       select to_date('04/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 0 value from dual union all 
       select to_date('03/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 200 value from dual union all 
       select to_date('02/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 0 value from dual union all 
       select to_date('01/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 100 value from dual), 
    tableb as (select to_date('03/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 2 value from dual union all 
       select to_date('01/07/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt, 3 value from dual) 
select ta.dt, 
     last_value(decode(ta.value, 0, null, ta.value) ignore nulls) over (order by ta.dt) 
     + sum(tb.value) over (order by ta.dt) new_value 
from tablea ta 
     left outer join tableb tb on (ta.dt = tb.dt) 
order by ta.dt desc; 

---------- ---------- 
06/07/2015  205 
05/07/2015  205 
04/07/2015  205 
03/07/2015  105 
02/07/2015  103 
01/07/2015  103 
