2011-06-07 58 views

我在SQL Server 2008中的如下表:SQL查詢行轉換成列

[ID] [Filiale] [Mitarbeiter] 
1 01  Müller 
2 01  Meier 
3 01  Schmidt 
4 02  Schulz 
5 02  Schröder 


[Filiale] [Mitarbeiter1] [Mitarbeiter2] [Mitarbeiter3] [Mitarbeiter4] [Mitarbeiter5] 
01  Müller   Meier   Schmidt  NULL   NULL 
02  Schulz   Schröder  NULL   NULL   NULL 

列可以固定到[Mitarbeiter1] - [Mitarbeiter5],因爲每個Filiale的行數不會超過5行。



重複:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1768586/sql-convert-rows-to-columns – manji 2011-06-07 15:31:57


我張貼我的問題之前,檢查了這一點,但沒能解決適應解決我的問題。 – 2011-06-07 15:53:07



使用SQL Server 2008的數據透視和排名功能結合爲每個員工數量提供了期望的結果 首先我們爲每個分支中的每個分支分配一個ID,每個分支中以1開頭,然後我們使用數據透視運算符翻轉結果

create table data 
id int, 
branch int, 
employee varchar(20) 

insert into data (id, branch, employee) values 
(1, 1, 'Müller'), 
(2, 1, 'Meler'), 
(3, 1, 'Schmidt'), 
(4, 1, 'Schultz'), 
(5, 2, 'Schröder'), 
(6, 2, '=tg= Thomas'), 
(7, 3, 'Stephan') 

select branch, [1] as emp1, [2] as emp2, [3] as emp3, [4] as emp4, [5] emp5 
    select ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by branch order by id) employee_branch_id, branch, employee 
    from data 
) data_with_employee_branch_id -- assign a number from 1 to n for each emplyee in the branch 
    max(employee) --it must be a aggregat, since we have only one row the max of a string will be the string 
    for employee_branch_id in ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5]) 
) as data_pvt 

完美!這正是我所期待的。謝謝! – 2011-06-07 18:55:13