2010-01-06 61 views




我能夠找到一個片段(沒有保留源代碼,對不起!),它試圖通過偏移來反轉查找時區信息,但是由於存在多個潛在結果,每個潛在結果可能具有不同的DST規則不行。 (還可有一些優化,但基礎PREMIS是有缺陷的,我認爲)

public TimeZoneInfo GetTimeZoneInfo(DateTimeOffset Value) 
    // Search available sytem time zones for a matching one 
    foreach (var tzi in TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()) 
     // Compare value offset with time zone offset 
     if (tzi.GetUtcOffset(Value).Equals(Value.Offset)) 
      return tzi; 


public DateTimeOffset GetNextDay_Wrong(DateTimeOffset FromDateTimeOffset) 
    // Cannot create a new DateTimeOffset using simply the supplied value's UtcOffset 
    // because in PST, for example, it could be -7 or -8 depending on DST 
    return new DateTimeOffset(FromDateTimeOffset.Date.AddDays(1), FromDateTimeOffset.Offset); 

public void GetNextDay_WrongTest() 
    var tz = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time"); 

    var workingDate = new DateTime(2009, 11, 2, 0, 0, 0); 
    var failingDate = new DateTime(2009, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0); 

    var workingDate_tz = new DateTimeOffset(workingDate, tz.GetUtcOffset(workingDate)); 
    var failingDate_tz = new DateTimeOffset(failingDate, tz.GetUtcOffset(failingDate)); 

    var actual_workingDate_tz = GetNextDay_Wrong(workingDate_tz); 
    var actual_failingDate_tz = GetNextDay_Wrong(failingDate_tz); 

    var expected_workingDate = new DateTime(2009, 11, 3, 0, 0, 0); 
    var expected_failingDate = new DateTime(2009, 11, 2, 0, 0, 0); 

    var expected_workingDate_tz = new DateTimeOffset(expected_workingDate, tz.GetUtcOffset(expected_workingDate)); 
    var expected_failingDate_tz = new DateTimeOffset(expected_failingDate, tz.GetUtcOffset(expected_failingDate)); 

    Assert.AreEqual(expected_workingDate_tz, actual_workingDate_tz, "Should have found the following day's midnight"); 
    Assert.AreEqual(expected_failingDate_tz, actual_failingDate_tz, "Failing date does not have the correct offset for it's DST"); 

public DateTimeOffset GetNextDay_LooksRight(DateTimeOffset FromDateTimeOffset) 
    // Because we cannot create a new DateTimeOffset we simply adjust the one provided! 
    var temp = FromDateTimeOffset; 
    // Move back to midnight of the current day 
    temp = temp.Subtract(new TimeSpan(temp.Hour, temp.Minute, temp.Second)); 
    // Now move to the next day 
    temp = temp.AddDays(1); 
    // Let the DateTimeOffset class do it's magic 
    temp = temp.ToLocalTime(); 
    // Check if the time zone has changed 
    if (FromDateTimeOffset.Offset != temp.Offset) 
     // Calculate the change amount (could be 30 mins or even stranger) 
     var delta = FromDateTimeOffset.Offset - temp.Offset; 
     // Adjust the temp value by the delta 
     temp = temp.Add(delta); 
    return temp.ToLocalTime(); 

public void GetNextDay_LooksRightTest() 
    // Everything is looking good and the test passes now, so we're home free yeah? 

    // { To work this needs to match your system's configured Local Time Zone, I'm in PST } 
    var tz = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time"); 

    var workingDate = new DateTime(2009, 11, 2, 0, 0, 0); 
    var failingDate = new DateTime(2009, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0); 

    var workingDate_tz = new DateTimeOffset(workingDate, tz.GetUtcOffset(workingDate)); 
    var failingDate_tz = new DateTimeOffset(failingDate, tz.GetUtcOffset(failingDate)); 

    var actual_workingDate_tz = GetNextDay_LooksRight(workingDate_tz); 
    var actual_failingDate_tz = GetNextDay_LooksRight(failingDate_tz); 

    var expected_workingDate = new DateTime(2009, 11, 3, 0, 0, 0); 
    var expected_failingDate = new DateTime(2009, 11, 2, 0, 0, 0); 

    var expected_workingDate_tz = new DateTimeOffset(expected_workingDate, tz.GetUtcOffset(expected_workingDate)); 
    var expected_failingDate_tz = new DateTimeOffset(expected_failingDate, tz.GetUtcOffset(expected_failingDate)); 

    Assert.AreEqual(expected_workingDate_tz, actual_workingDate_tz, "Should have found the following day's midnight"); 
    Assert.AreEqual(expected_failingDate_tz, actual_failingDate_tz, "Failing date does not have the correct offset for it's DST"); 

public void GetNextDay_LooksRight_FAILTest() 
    // Here is where the frustrating part is... aparantly the "magic" that DateTimeOffset provides only works for your systems Local Time Zone... 

    // { To properly fail this cannot match your system's configured Local Time Zone, I'm in PST so I use EST } 
    var tz = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time"); 

    var workingDate = new DateTime(2009, 11, 2, 0, 0, 0); 
    var failingDate = new DateTime(2009, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0); 

    var workingDate_tz = new DateTimeOffset(workingDate, tz.GetUtcOffset(workingDate)); 
    var failingDate_tz = new DateTimeOffset(failingDate, tz.GetUtcOffset(failingDate)); 

    var actual_workingDate_tz = GetNextDay_LooksRight(workingDate_tz); 
    var actual_failingDate_tz = GetNextDay_LooksRight(failingDate_tz); 

    var expected_workingDate = new DateTime(2009, 11, 3, 0, 0, 0); 
    var expected_failingDate = new DateTime(2009, 11, 2, 0, 0, 0); 

    var expected_workingDate_tz = new DateTimeOffset(expected_workingDate, tz.GetUtcOffset(expected_workingDate)); 
    var expected_failingDate_tz = new DateTimeOffset(expected_failingDate, tz.GetUtcOffset(expected_failingDate)); 

    Assert.AreEqual(expected_workingDate_tz, actual_workingDate_tz, "Should have found the following day's midnight"); 
    Assert.AreEqual(expected_failingDate_tz, actual_failingDate_tz, "Failing date does not have the correct offset for it's DST"); 

你不能使這項工作。使用UTC。 – 2010-01-06 15:58:33


我不能使用UTC,因爲例如在表示諸如Days Of the Week(允許選擇1-N天)的重複模式時,我需要能夠在下次發生重複發生時解決它,並且它具有從發佈查詢的用戶的角度來看是有效的。鑑於MTWTh模式,星期五可能是星期五,但仍然是Thurstay PST,如果純粹用UTC計算,則需要{日期} 00:00:00.000 - 00:00,並且需要{日期} 00:00:00.000 -08 :00這是8個小時。 – Perry 2010-01-06 20:05:00


順便說一句,我希望有一個更優雅的解決方案,但同時我正在研究一個包裝類,該類跟蹤DateTimeOffset和TimeZoneInfo.Id它創建的,這樣我就可以獲得正確生成所需的信息一個新的DateTimeOffset,但它a)似乎重複的DateTimeOffset類的價值和b)使API更不友好(也許我可以添加一些助手/擴展方法來清理它備份了一下...) – Perry 2010-01-06 20:47:34




把我從香味中拋出來的東西就是ToLocalTime(),我後來認識到它實際上在計算中引入了一個隱含的TimeZoneInfo,即爲機器配置的本地時間,我相信在內部DateTimeOffset必須通過簡單地刪除配置的偏移量,然後使用構造函數創建一個新的DateTimeOffset類,該類採用DateTime [UTC]和TimeZoneInfo [來自本地系統]來生成正確的dst意識結果日期,從而轉換爲UTC。



「DateTimeOffset」中有值。請參閱[這裏](http://stackoverflow.com/a/14269924/634824)。您在最後一段中討論的內容沒有.Net BCL實現,但NodaTime將其稱爲[ZonedDateTime](http://noda-time.googlecode.com/hg/docs/api/html/T_NodaTime_ZonedDateTime。htm),這也有價值 - 只是一個不同的。 – 2013-02-13 01:20:35
