2017-08-28 18 views




當使用小窗口平均,X == Y,但是當窗口變大(5x5)時,X!= Y.

因此,我引入了一些「打印」來查看特定像素的值,使用打印熱潮! X == Y再次。這是我想了解的。 爲什麼當我在該代碼中打印時,結果返回到結果X?

請注意,我試圖改變浮點模型(英特爾編譯器)精確和擴展,並且這兩個模型都給出ST和MT相等,但是新ST結果Z!= X並且使用默認的浮點模型。


const int tileOffset = 1; 

unsigned char** texturePtr = (unsigned char**)texture->getRowPtr(); 
short** wrkSrcPtr = (short**)wrkSrc->getRowPtr(); 
short** imFitAPtr = (short**)imFitA->getRowPtr(); 
short** imFitBPtr = (short**)imFitB->getRowPtr(); 
short** imFitCPtr = (short**)imFitC->getRowPtr(); 

// now, compute raw texture value for each pixel using the above plane equations 
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(g_options->ompNumberThreads) if(g_options->ompThreaded) 

#pragma omp for 
     for (int i = 0; i < src->getHeight(); i = i + tileOffset) { 
      for (int j = 0; j < src->getWidth(); j = j + tileOffset) { 

       bool printPoint = false;     

       int jVal = 333; 
       int iVal = 99; 

       if (j == jVal && i == src->getHeight() - iVal - 1) { 
        printPoint = true; 
        printf("\n\nAt (%d, %d) with Thread %d \n", jVal, iVal, omp_get_thread_num()); 

       jVal = 343; 
       iVal = 204; 

       if (j == jVal && i == src->getHeight() - iVal - 1) { 
        printPoint = true; 
        printf("\n\nAt (%d, %d) with Thread %d \n", jVal, iVal, omp_get_thread_num()); 

       const int ti = i * tileOffset; 
       const int tj = j * tileOffset; 

       const float planeA = imFitAPtr[i][j]/32000.0f*255.0f; 
       const float planeB = imFitBPtr[i][j]/32000.0f*255.0f; 
       const float planeC = imFitCPtr[i][j]/32000.0f*255.0f; 

       float sum2 = 0.0f; 
       float sum = 0.0f; 
       int nbSum = 0; 

       if (printPoint) { 
        printf("Fit (A,B,C) = (%d, %d, %d) and In float (%f, %f, %f) \n", 
          imFitAPtr[i][j], imFitBPtr[i][j], imFitCPtr[i][j], 
          planeA, planeB, planeC); 

       for (int ri = i - halfROI; ri <= i + halfROI; ri++) { 
        for (int rj = j - halfROI; rj <= j + halfROI; rj++) { 
         // sanity checks (image boundaries) 
         if (ri < 0 || ri >= src->getHeight() || rj < 0 || rj >= src->getWidth()) continue; 

         // eval the local plane at that pixel and compute the residual 
         const float localPlaneValue = planeA * (rj - j) + planeB * (ri - i) + planeC; 
         const float residual = wrkSrcPtr[ri][rj]/32000.0f*255.0f - localPlaneValue; 

         const float rr = residual*residual; 

         if (printPoint) 
          printf("Local: %f, residual: %f, resSQ: %f, sum2: %f and sum: %f \n ", localPlaneValue, residual, rr, sum2, sum); 

         sum2 += rr; 
         sum += residual; 

         if (printPoint) 
          printf("Add sum2: %f, add sum: %f and nb: %d \n ", sum2, sum, nbSum); 


       if (printPoint) 

       // the texture for that pixel is the stdev 
       float texVal = 0.0f; 
       if (nbSum > 1) { 
        texVal = sqrtf(max((sum2 - sum * sum/nbSum)/(nbSum - 1), 0.0f)) * scaling; 
        if (texVal > 255.0f) texVal = 255; 

       texturePtr[ti][tj] = (unsigned char)texVal; 

       if (printPoint) 
        printf("Final value : %d (In float: %f) \n\n", texturePtr[ti][tj], texVal); 


    } // End OMP 



您的代碼中可能有一個錯誤(無論是並行版本,還是最初的並行版本都會變得明顯)。只需發佈代碼,我們就會看到。 – Gilles


如果打印語句的存在/不存在影響計算結果,則在所述計算中很有可能出現未定義的行爲(也稱爲錯誤)。 – Angew


你可能使用'=='來比較浮點數嗎? – user463035818




此代碼使用英特爾Composer XE 2015進行編譯。但是,當我嘗試使用Visual Studio v140時,似乎代碼與OMP和不使用OMP相似。

我沒有嘗試過使用較新的英特爾編譯器(例如2017)。在Linux下的英特爾Composer XE 2015上不會發生此問題。