2011-03-06 45 views







$query = $SITE -> Query ('SELECT a.*, b.name, b.colour, b.txtcolour, 
(sum((a.wins*3) + (a.draws*1) - a.pts)) as points, 
(sum(a.wins + a.losses + a.draws)) as pld, 
(sum(a.glsfor - a.glsaga)) as gd 
FROM got_standings a 
inner join got_clubs b on (a.cid = b.id) 
WHERE a.season = "'.$url[2].'" 
GROUP BY a.cid 
ORDER BY points DESC, gd DESC, glsfor DESC'); 

if ($SITE -> Count ($query) == 0) { 
$loop = 0; 

while($loop <= 19) { 


而($循環< = 19)


而($循環< = 11)


當我第一次將數據輸入到表格中並「提交」時,它可以正常工作 - 因爲在上述更改之前列出的20個團隊中,它完美無缺。但是,當我'更新'/不斷更改排名表時,它也會計算以前的

因此對於'塔爾波特港鎮',我輸入「1贏」,「1抽獎」,「1損失」 「5個進球得分」「5個進球得分」 而且行得通。它計算出3場比賽和4分(3勝1平1負,0勝1負)as shown here

但是,當我輸入其他信息,因此輸入'Aberystwyth Town'和'update'的相同信息時,以前數據(Port Talbot Town)的信息會再次被計算出來嗎? as shown here



請大家!幫助一個白癡! 8)

} else if ($url[3] == 'league') { 
if ($url[4] == 'standings') { 
<ul class="buttonbar"> 
<li class="button"><a href="<?=$CONF['site']; ?>sitecontrol/fixtures/<?=$url[2]; ?>/add/league">Add Fixture</a></li> 
<li class="button"><a href="<?=$CONF['site']; ?>sitecontrol/fixtures/<?=$url[2]; ?>/league/standings">Standings</a></li> 
<form action="<?=$CONF['site']; ?>mcms/applications/fixtures/submit.php?do=fixtures&amp;action=standings&amp;season=<?=$url 

[2]; ?>&amp;comp=<?=$url[3]; ?>" method="post" name="standings"> 
<div class="table"> 
<div class="th">Welsh Premier League Standings</div> 
<ul class="tr shadow"> 
<li class="td-squadno">Pos.</li> 
<li class="td4" style="width: 170px;">Team</li> 
<li class="td4">PLD</li> 
<li class="td4">W</li> 
<li class="td4">D</li> 
<li class="td4">L</li> 
<li class="td4">+</li> 
<li class="td4">-</li> 
<li class="td4">PTS</li> 

$query = $SITE -> Query ('SELECT a.*, b.name, b.colour, b.txtcolour, 
(sum((a.wins*3) + (a.draws*1) - a.pts)) as points, 
(sum(a.wins + a.losses + a.draws)) as pld, 
(sum(a.glsfor - a.glsaga)) as gd 
FROM got_standings a 
inner join got_clubs b on (a.cid = b.id) 
WHERE a.season = "'.$url[2].'" 
GROUP BY a.cid 
ORDER BY points DESC, gd DESC, glsfor DESC'); 

if ($SITE -> Count ($query) == 0) { 
$loop = 0; 

while($loop <= 11) { 
<ul class="tr" id="team_<?=$loop; ?>"> 
<li class="td-squadno"><?=$loop; ?></li> 
<li class="td2" style="width: 170px;"> 

echo (' 
<select name="cid[]"> 

$sql = $SITE -> Query ('SELECT id, name FROM got_clubs WHERE country = "Wales" ORDER BY name ASC'); 

while($club = $SITE -> FetchArray($sql)) { 
echo ('<option value="'.$club['id'].'"'); 
if ($club['id'] == '1') echo (' SELECTED'); 
echo ('>'.$club['name'].'</option>'); 

echo (' 

<li class="td4"></li> 
<li class="td4"><a href="#" onclick="$('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=wins[]]').val(parseInt($('ul#team_<? 

=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=wins[]]').val())+1); return false;">+</a> <input type="text" name="wins[]" value="0" /></li> 
<li class="td4"><a href="#" onclick="$('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=draws[]]').val(parseInt($('ul#team_<? 

=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=draws[]]').val())+1); return false;">+</a> <input type="text" name="draws[]" value="0" /></li> 
<li class="td4"><a href="#" onclick="$('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=losses[]]').val(parseInt 

($('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=losses[]]').val())+1); return false;">+</a> <input type="text" name="losses[]" 

value="0" /></li> 
<li class="td4"><a href="#" onclick="$('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=glsfor[]]').val(parseInt 

($('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=glsfor[]]').val())+1); return false;">+</a> <input type="text" name="glsfor[]" 

value="0" /></li> 
<li class="td4"><a href="#" onclick="$('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=glsaga[]]').val(parseInt 

($('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=glsaga[]]').val())+1); return false;">+</a> <input type="text" name="glsaga[]" 

value="0" /></li> 
<li class="td4">- <input type="text" name="pts[]" /></li> 
} else { 
$loop = 0; 

while($row = $SITE -> FetchArray($query)) { 
<ul class="tr" id="team_<?=$loop; ?>"> 
<li class="td-squadno"><?=$loop; ?></li> 
<li class="td-club" style="width: 160px; margin-left: 10px; background-color: #<?=$row['colour']; ?>; color: #<? 

=$row['txtcolour']; ?>;"><?=$row['name']; ?><input type="hidden" name="cid[]" value="<?=$row['cid']; ?>" /></li> 
<li class="td4"><?=$row['pld']; ?></li> 
<li class="td4"><a href="#" onclick="$('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=wins[]]').val(parseInt($('ul#team_<? 

=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=wins[]]').val())+1); return false;">+</a> <input type="text" name="wins[]" value="<?=$row 

['wins']; ?>" /></li> 
<li class="td4"><a href="#" onclick="$('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=draws[]]').val(parseInt($('ul#team_<? 

=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=draws[]]').val())+1); return false;">+</a> <input type="text" name="draws[]" value="<?=$row 

['draws']; ?>" /></li> 
<li class="td4"><a href="#" onclick="$('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=losses[]]').val(parseInt 

($('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=losses[]]').val())+1); return false;">+</a> <input type="text" name="losses[]" 

value="<?=$row['losses']; ?>" /></li> 
<li class="td4"><a href="#" onclick="$('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=glsfor[]]').val(parseInt 

($('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=glsfor[]]').val())+1); return false;">+</a> <input type="text" name="glsfor[]" 

value="<?=$row['glsfor']; ?>" /></li> 
<li class="td4"><a href="#" onclick="$('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=glsaga[]]').val(parseInt 

($('ul#team_<?=$loop; ?> li.td4 input[name=glsaga[]]').val())+1); return false;">+</a> <input type="text" name="glsaga[]" 

value="<?=$row['glsaga']; ?>" /></li> 
<li class="td4"><?=$row['points']; ?> (- <input type="text" name="pts[]" value="<?=$row['pts']; ?>" />)</li> 

<div class="tf"><input type="submit" value="Update Standings" /> or <a href="<?=$CONF['site']; ?>sitecontrol/fixtures/<? 

=$url[2].'/'.$url[3]; ?>">Cancel</a></div> 
<p>Do not use the points column for anything other than points deductions. If a points deduction is carried out by the 

Premier League, use the input box to enter how many points have been taken away, e.g. Portsmouth in 2009/10 would have 

&quot;9&quot; in their points input box.</p> 
<p>Matches played and points columns will update automatically. The position of each team in the league table will also be 

automatically updated.</p> 
} else { 
<ul class="buttonbar"> 
<li class="button"><a href="<?=$CONF['site']; ?>sitecontrol/fixtures/<?=$url[2]; ?>/add/league">Add Fixture</a></li> 
<li class="button"><a href="<?=$CONF['site']; ?>sitecontrol/fixtures/<?=$url[2]; ?>/league/standings">Standings</a></li> 
<div class="table"> 
<div class="th">Premier League Fixtures</div> 
$query = $SITE -> Query (' 
SELECT a.id, a.rid, home, away, homescore, awayscore, date, b.name as hometeam, c.name as awayteam FROM 

got_fixtures a 
inner join got_clubs b on (a.home = b.id) 
inner join got_clubs c on (a.away = c.id) 
WHERE a.cid="1" AND a.season = "'.$url[2].'" AND (a.home = "1" OR a.away = "1") 
ORDER BY date ASC'); 

while($row = $SITE -> FetchArray($query)) { 
<ul class="tr"> 
<li class="td-squadno"><?=$row['rid']; ?></li> 
<li class="td-home"><?=$row['hometeam']; ?></li> 
<li class="td-score"><?=$row['homescore']; ?> - <?=$row['awayscore']; ?></li> 
<li class="td-away"><?=$row['awayteam']; ?></li> 
<li class="td-kickoff"><?=date('D. jS F y, H:i', $row['date']); ?></li> 
<li class="td-end"><a href="<?=$CONF['site']?>sitecontrol/fixtures/<?=$url[2]; ?>/edit/<?=$url[3]; ?>/<?=$row['id']; 

?>">Edit</a> or <a href="<?=$CONF['site']; ?>mcms/applications/fixtures/submit.php?do=fixtures&amp;action=delete&amp;id=<? 

=$row['id']; ?>&amp;comp=<?=$url[3]; ?>&amp;season=<?=$url[2]; ?>">Remove</a></li> 
<div class="tf"></div> 

考慮將標題更改爲相關標題。讓人們根據你的問題決定你是誰。不要自我宣傳。 – Nishant 2011-03-06 19:13:08







此外,如果你在Windows上,嘗試一些像Baregrep> http://www.baremetalsoft.com/baregrep/它會讓搜索代碼更容易。 – 2011-03-06 19:32:22


感謝邏輯,讚賞隊友。 phpmyadmin中的數據庫真的是空的!沒有太多要繼續? http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k562/nilsatis88/6.jpg – Dan 2011-03-06 19:42:44


沒問題,是沒有太多看到那裏。你可以發佈這個代碼'mcms/applications/fixtures/submit.php'嗎? – 2011-03-06 19:48:54