我正嘗試動態生成大量(> 5000)的pdf文檔。問題是在pdf生成過程中,我收到了內存不足異常。我決定將我的5000頁PDF分成更小的500頁pdf,但是當我嘗試這種方式時.net仍然使用相同的內存。有沒有辦法強制我的應用程序釋放一個變量仍在使用的未使用內存?這裏是導致問題的代碼如何強制.net以釋放內存?
For Each patronRow As DataRow In patronsDatatable.Rows
.....some other code
If FARPrintOneLetterPerStudent = False Then
If farApplicationID <> _previousFarApplicationID Or _firstapp = True Then
lettercount = lettercount + 1
'************* test code *****************
If lettercount = 500 Then
If Me._printLabels = False Then
End If
' Export moved from dataprovider
smallpdfcount = smallpdfcount + 1
ExportToPdf(ImportRtf(finalpdf), smallpdfcount)
finalpdf = Nothing
_isfirst = True
lettercount = 0
If lettercount < 500 Then ' we only need to add to this variable when there is less than 500 pages
finalpdf = AddtoletterPdf(letterBody, printmultiple)
'_previewpdf = finalpdf
End If
_previousFarApplicationID = farApplicationID
_firstapp = False
End If
End If
finalpdf = AddtoletterPdf(letterBody, printmultiple)
End If
'create a record in LettersDatatable for POS and FAR letters
AddToLettersDataTable(letterBody, patronID, patronName, farApplicationID, headerImageBuffer)
'Create a record in labels datatable
AddToLabelsDatatable(letterBody, patronName, patronID, farApplicationID)
End If
End If
Public Function ImportRtf(ByVal content As String) As RadDocument
Dim provider As New RtfFormatProvider()
Return provider.Import(content)
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Error in Import to Pdf")
End Try
End Function
Public Sub ExportToPdf(ByVal document As RadDocument, smallpdfcount As Integer)
Dim provider As New PdfFormatProvider
Dim OneSourceFolder As String = GetInstallFolder()
Using output As Stream = File.Create(OneSourceFolder & "\letter" & smallpdfcount & ".pdf")
'Using output As Stream = File.Create(OneSourceFolder & "\letter.pdf")
provider.Export(document, output)
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Error in ExporttoPdf")
End Try
可以調用垃圾收集器的方式GC.Collect()...可能在生成每個PDF後可以調用它... – lem2802
您如何知道內存實際上未被使用? –
這是關於託管代碼嗎? – Hristo