1. Create a symmetric similarity matrix (m*m) using jaccard coefficient.
For example, for a data set,
The similarity matrix I compute would look like :
|1 0.33|
|0.33 1 |
2. Compute the first k eigen vectors corresponding to largest eigen values. where k is the number of cluster.
3. Normalize the symmetric similarity matrix
4. perform the clustering on the normalized similarity matrix using eigen vectors as initial centroids for k-means.
Is computing Jaccard similarity matrix the right choice for spectral clustering.
Is it the right way of selecting eigen vectors as cluster centroids for spectal clustering because I dont see other options for categorical dataset.
Is there anything wrong with the procedure I follow.
感謝您的回覆,我只是在聚類分析領域的初學者剛剛嘗試不同的方法。需要問另一件事。將在矩陣創建使用的Jaccard係數相似性矩陣(M * M),然後進行k-均值什麼好處。這是一種可行的方法嗎?我試圖使用它在http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.html,一些數據集(國會,蘑菇),它給了可喜的成果。由於 – Sam
k均值應該對原始數據進行運行。它意味着一個線性的歐幾里德向量空間。 **不要因爲你可以**而運行方法。理解算法*和*您的問題的要求和目標。如果你可以讓它們對齊(通常需要大量的預處理),那麼試試吧。 –