2013-06-02 49 views


Red Arrow http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/6636/redarrowe.png


var interval = 100; 

var currX = -82; // Current x position 
var currY = -342; // Current y position 

var destX = -750; // Destination x position 
var destY = -850; // Destination y position 

var currentDuration = 0; 
var duration = 1800 * 1000; // Duration 

var $bg = $('#flight-wrapper'); 

var intbg = window.setInterval(function(){ 
    currentDuration += interval; 

    var leftX = destX - currX; // X pixels left 
    var leftY = destY - currY; // Y pixels left 

    var leftDuration = duration - currentDuration; // Duration left 

    var tickX = leftX/leftDuration * interval; // Pixel to offset 
    var tickY = leftY/leftDuration * interval; // Pixel to offset 

    var newX = currX + tickX; 
    var newY = currY + tickY; 

    // Prevent it going further than the destination X & Y pixel 
    currX = newX <= destX ? destX : newX; 
    currY = newY <= destY ? destY : newY; 

    if (currX <= destX && currY <= destY) { 

     backgroundPosition: Math.floor(currX) + 'px ' + Math.floor(currY) + 'px' 
}, interval); 



你想要數學解釋還是可以使用庫發佈工作解決方案嗎? – Prinzhorn


我可以請數學解釋。 –


考慮到你的弧可以看作是一個圓的一部分,你可以使用'sin'和'cos'來相應地轉換x/y。但首先你應該使用一個jQuery插件,它允許你動畫'背景位置',這使得你當前的代碼已經過時並且是一行代碼。然後用正弦和餘弦指定你自己的緩衝函數。 – Prinzhorn
