2012-12-15 68 views



class HierarchyOrd a where 
    -- | Compares two objects for being on the same branch of hierarchy 
    -- LT/GT lower/higher in hierarchy, EQ on the same node 
    hierarchyCompare :: a -> a -> Maybe Ordering 

class HierarchyOrd a => Hierarchy a where 
    -- | Get information for common joint of branches for two objects 
    -- Either one of them already on joint node (parent) 
    -- or we need another object that represent that joint 
    hierarchyJoint :: a -> a -> Either Ordering a 
    -- hierarchyCompare x y = either Just (const Nothing) (hierarchyJoint x y) 

-- Sample for FilePath 
instance Hierarchy FilePath where 
    hierarchyJoint x y = case (length x', length y', length z') of 
      (a, b, c) | a == c && b == c -> Left EQ 
      (a, _, c) | a == c -> Left GT 
      (_, b, c) | b == c -> Left LT 
      _ -> Right (joinPath z') 
      [x', y'] = map splitDirectories [x, y] 
      skel = takeWhile id (zipWith (==) x' y') 
      z' = zipWith const x' skel -- common prefix 

instance HierarchyOrd FilePath where 
    hierarchyCompare x y = either Just (const Nothing) (hierarchyJoint x y) 

的下一個特質正如你所看到HierarchyOrderingHierarchy一個子集,我們只需要實現排序,無需建設新的節點。在這種特殊情況下(FilePath)具有兩個不重疊的功能是不可行的,甚至可能導致額外的工作(爲hierarchyComparehierarchyJoint分裂目錄兩次)。這就是爲什麼決定通過hierarchyJoint覆蓋hierarchyCompare的功能,因爲如果我們得到Just _就沒有意義了。




我認爲你正在尋找的GHC DefaultSignatures擴展?它可以讓你做的事:

class HierarchyOrd a where 
    -- | Compares two objects for being on the same branch of hierarchy 
    -- LT/GT lower/higher in hierarchy, EQ on the same node 
    hierarchyCompare :: a -> a -> Maybe Ordering 
    default hierarchyCompare :: Hierarchy a=> a -> a -> Maybe Ordering 
    hierarchyCompare x y = either Just (const Nothing) (hierarchyJoint x y) 


instance HierarchyOrd FilePath 

是的,這就是我一直在尋找的。我的確希望這個擴展有點不同的設計。特別是當我有幾個超集時,會有一個問題。但是這個變體也允許有更復雜的上下文而不僅僅是一個類型'Hierarchy a'。謝謝 – ony




defaultHierarchyCompare :: Hierarchy a => a -> a -> Maybe Ordering 
defaultHierarchyCompare x y = either Just (const Nothing) (hierarchyJoint x y) 

instance Hierarchy FilePath where ... 

instance HierarchyOrd FilePath where 
    hierarchyCompare = defaultHierarchyCompare 

是的,這是標準方式,例如['Traversable'](http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/base/latest/doc/html/Data-Traversable.html):它定義了'fmapDefault'和'fol​​dMapDefault'作爲'Foldable'和'Functor'的實現。 –


只需添加到@ dave4420的和@ jberryman的anwers:與DefaultSignatures的問題是,你需要在超類中描述你的默認實現,而不是在它更符合邏輯的子類中。所以不可能將類型類拆分成不同的模塊等。有一種方案可以解決各種類似的問題,稱爲Default superclass instances。不幸的是它還沒有實現。