2016-02-17 16 views


Public Sub emailList() 
    'Setting up the Excel variables. 
    Dim olApp As Object 
    Dim olMailItm As Object 
    Dim iCounter As Integer 
    Dim Dest As Variant 
    Dim SDest As String 

    'Create the Outlook application and the empty email. 
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 
    Set olMailItm = olApp.CreateItem(0) 

    'Using the email, add multiple recipients, using a list of addresses in column A. 
    With olMailItm 
     SDest = "" 
     For iCounter = 1 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Workbooks("Book1.xls").Sheets(1).Columns(1)) 
      If SDest = "" Then 
       SDest = Cells(iCounter, 1).Value 
       SDest = SDest & ";" & Cells(iCounter, 1).Value 
      End If 
     Next iCounter 

    'Do additional formatting on the BCC and Subject lines, add the body text from the spreadsheet, and send. 
     .BCC = SDest 
     .Subject = "FYI" 
     .Body = ActiveSheet.TextBoxes(1).Text 
    End With 

    'Clean up the Outlook application. 
    Set olMailItm = Nothing 
    Set olApp = Nothing 
End Sub 


For iCounter = 1 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Workbooks("Book1.xls").Sheets(1).Columns(1)) 



可能意味着你沒有與確切名稱的工作簿...... –


我這樣做雖然。我把它保存在我的Documents文件夾中,這是一個問題嗎? –


是運行此代碼時打開的工作簿?如果不是,您需要先打開它。只要它是開放的,它在哪裏被保存並不重要。 –




'setup excel objects 
Dim xlApp As Object 
Dim WB As Workbook 
Dim WS As Worksheet 
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
Set WB = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\me\Desktop\Book1.xlsx") 
Set WS = WB.Worksheets("Sheet1") 

'loop through ColA to merge email addresses 
Dim last As Long 
last = WS.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count 
SDest = "" 
For i = 2 To last 
    SDest = SDest + Range("A" & i).Value & ";" 
Next i 


Public Sub emailList() 
    'Setting up the Excel variables. 
    Dim olApp As Object 
    Dim olMailItm As Object 
    Dim iCounter As Integer 
    Dim Dest As Variant 
    Dim SDest As String 
    Dim Excel As Object 

    'Create the Outlook application and the empty email. 
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 
    Set olMailItm = olApp.CreateItem(0) 

     'Create excel object. 
    Set Excel = CreateObject("excel.application") 
    Excel.Visible = True 
    Excel.Workbooks.Open ("C:\Users\Deryl Lam\Documents\Book1.xlsx") 

    'Using the email, add multiple recipients, using a list of addresses in column A. 
    With olMailItm 
     SDest = "" 
     For iCounter = 1 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Workbooks("Book1.xlsx").Sheets(1).Columns(1)) 
      If SDest = "" Then 
       SDest = Cells(iCounter, 1).Value 
       SDest = SDest & ";" & Cells(iCounter, 1).Value 
      End If 
     Next iCounter 

    'Do additional formatting on the BCC and Subject lines, add the body text from the spreadsheet, and send. 
     .BCC = SDest 
     .Subject = "FYI" 
     .Body = ActiveSheet.TextBoxes(1).Text 
    End With 

    'Clean up the Outlook application. 
    Set olMailItm = Nothing 
    Set olApp = Nothing 
End Sub