2016-03-01 43 views


import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

x1 = np.arange(-50, 50, 1) 
y1 = 50+np.random.rand(100)*5 

x2 = np.arange(-20, 30, 50.0/320) 
y2 = 30+np.random.rand(320)*0.5 

plt.plot(x1, y1, '*', 
     x2, y2, 'x', 
     0.0, 0.0, 'o') 


example profiles

我已經執行用於連接與源點和SET2的線段的SET1的所有行的經典線交點計算。不幸的是,nassed for循環效率不高。





import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import time 

set1 = np.zeros((100, 2)) 
set2 = np.zeros((320, 2)) 
set3 = np.zeros((100, 2)) 

# p1 
set1[:, 0] = np.arange(-50, 50, 1) 
set1[:, 1] = 50+np.random.binomial(5, 0.4, size=100) 

# p2 and p3 
set2[:, 0] = np.arange(-20, 50, 70.0/320) 
set2[:, 1] = 30+np.random.binomial(8, 0.25, size=320) 

# p0 
sp = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) 

tstamp = time.time() 

# building line direction vectors 
s1 = set1     # set 1 is already the direction vector as sp=[0,0] 
s2 = set2[1:] - set2[0:-1] # set 2 direction vector (p3-p2) 

projected_profile = np.zeros((100, 2)) 

# project set1 on set2 
for i in range(np.size(s1)/2): 
    intersect_points = np.zeros((100, 2)) 
    ts = np.zeros(100) 
    ind1 = 0 
    for j in range(np.size(s2)/2): 
     # calculate line intersection 
     div = s1[i, 0] * s2[j, 1] - s2[j, 0] * s1[i, 1] 
     s = (s1[i, 1] * set2[j, 0] - s1[i, 0] * set2[j, 1])/div 
     t = (s2[j, 1] * set2[j, 0] - s2[j, 0] * set2[j, 1])/div 

     # check wether we are still on the line segments 
     if (s>=0 and s<=1 and t>=0 and t <=1): 
      intersect_points[ind1, :] = t * s1[i] 
      ts[ind1] = t 
      ind1 += 1 

    # take the intersection with maximal distance from source point (sp) 
    if ts.sum()>0: 
     projected_profile[i, :] = intersect_points[np.argmax(ts), :] 

print time.time()-tstamp 

plt.plot(set1[:, 0], set1[:, 1], '*', 
     set2[:, 0], set2[:, 1], '-', 
     projected_profile[:, 0], projected_profile[:, 1], 'x', 
     sp[0], sp[1], 'o') 


enter image description here



什麼是你描述的'線段'? – purpletentacle


在線段下方,我的意思是在我的測量中,第二個數據集是表面的2D部分(當然不是在這個隨機數據集中)。如果我用線連接點,我會得到我的表面的離散部分。 – bdvd


因此,第二個數據集的凸包是您想要投影點的位置? – purpletentacle




import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import time 

set1 = np.zeros((100, 2)) 
set2 = np.zeros((320, 2)) 
set3 = np.zeros((100, 2)) 

# p1 
set1[:, 0] = np.arange(-50, 50, 1) 
set1[:, 1] = 50+np.random.binomial(5, 0.4, size=100) 

# p2 and p3 
set2[:, 0] = np.arange(-20, 50, 70.0/320) 
set2[:, 1] = 30+np.random.binomial(8, 0.25, size=320) 

# p0 
sp = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) 

tstamp = time.time() 

# building line direction vectors 
s1 = set1     # set 1 is already the direction vector as sp=[0,0] 
s2 = set2[1:] - set2[0:-1] # set 2 direction vector (p3-p2) 

num_master = np.size(s1, axis=0) 
num_measure = np.size(s2, axis=0) 

# calculate intersection 
div = np.transpose(np.repeat([s1[:, 0]], num_measure, axis=0)) * s2[:, 1] - \ 
     np.transpose(np.transpose(np.repeat([s2[:, 0]], num_master, axis=0)) * s1[:, 1]) 

s = np.transpose(np.repeat([s1[:, 1]], num_measure, axis=0)) * set2[:-1, 0] - \ 
    np.transpose(np.repeat([s1[:, 0]], num_measure, axis=0)) * set2[:-1, 1] 
s = s/div 

t = s2[:, 1] * set2[:-1, 0] - s2[:, 0] * set2[:-1, 1] 
t = t/div 

# get results by masking invalid results 
mask = np.bitwise_and(np.bitwise_and(s>=0, s<=1), 
         np.bitwise_and(t>=0, t<=1)) 

# mask indices 
ind1 = mask.sum(1)>0 
t[np.invert(mask)] = 0 
ind2 = np.argmax(t[ind1], axis=1) 

# calculate result 
projected_profile = s1[ind1] * np.transpose(np.repeat([t[ind1, ind2]], 2, axis=0)) 

print time.time()-tstamp 

plt.plot(set1[:, 0], set1[:, 1], '*', 
     set2[:, 0], set2[:, 1], '-', 
     projected_profile[:, 0], projected_profile[:, 1], 'x', 
     sp[0], sp[1], 'o') 
