2012-10-17 42 views

我對Java很新,我嵌套Try Catch代碼打印3次!你能告訴我爲什麼嗎? 我從命令行得到3 int,必須驗證並檢查它們是否在範圍內,並且我正在使用try和catch。但答案打印3次!嵌套try catch

// Global Constants 
final static int MIN_NUMBER = 1; 
final static int MAX_PRIME = 10000; 
final static int MAX_FACTORIAL = 12; 
final static int MAX_LEAPYEAR = 4000; 

// Global Variable 
static int a, b, c; 

public static void main(String[] args) { 
    // String[] myNumbers= new String [3]; 

    // int x =Integer.parseInt(args[0]); 
    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { 
     // System.out.print(args[i]+" "); 
     validateInput(args[0], args[1], args[2]); 


// Validate User Input 
public static boolean validateInput(String value1, String value2, String value3) { 
    boolean isValid = false; 

    try { 
     try { 
      try { 
       a = Integer.parseInt(value1); 
       if (!withinRange(a, MIN_NUMBER, MAX_PRIME)) { 
          "The entered value " + value1 
          + " is out of range [1 TO 10000]."); 
       isValid = true;   

      } catch (Exception ex) { 
         "The entered value " + value1 
         + " is not a valid integer. Please try again."); 

      b = Integer.parseInt(value2); 
      if (!withinRange(b, MIN_NUMBER, MAX_FACTORIAL)) { 
         "The entered value " + value2 
         + " is out of range [1 TO 12]."); 
      isValid = true; 
     } catch (Exception ex) { 
        "The entered value " + value2 
        + " is not a valid integer. Please try again."); 

     c = Integer.parseInt(value3); 
     if (!withinRange(c, MIN_NUMBER, MAX_LEAPYEAR)) { 
        "The entered value " + value3 
        + " is out of range [1 TO 4000]."); 
     isValid = true; 
    } catch (Exception ex) { 
       "The entered value " + value3 
       + " is not a valid integer. Please try again."); 

    return isValid; 


// Check the value within the specified range 
private static boolean withinRange(int value, int min, int max) { 
    boolean isInRange = true; 

    if (value < min || value > max) { 
     isInRange = false; 
    return isInRange; 

您可能想要爲返回失敗的第一個驗證返回無效。否則,它會繼續嘗試其他值。它不斷嘗試其他值,因爲異常傳播被抑制(捕獲沒有[重新]拋出)。我會*重寫*上面的代碼*不*使用嵌套try-catch塊作爲簡化的第一步.. – 2012-10-17 21:26:47


它的工作原理沒有嘗試和趕上,但它需要有嘗試和趕上:( – NilR


那麼,如果嵌套的try-catch塊是必需的(ick!),考慮將後續邏輯*移動到try中 - 也就是將其從catch中移出。如果拋出異常,它將跳過後面的代碼(當它跳轉到catch);在這種情況下,由於後面的代碼在try中,所以最多隻能輸入一個catch(最多隻能打印一條消息) – 2012-10-17 21:30:25





+1 - 其他答案一般都有很好的建議,但是這實際上回答了OP的問題 – Windle


@Gabor Liptak我想要做什麼? – NilR


OMG你真棒:)修正:D thanx – NilR



public static boolean validateInput(String value, int minValue, int maxValue) { 
    try { 
     integer intVal = Integer.parseInt(value); 
     if (intVal < minVal || intVal > maxValue) { 
      System.out.println("The entered value " + value 
       + " is out of range [" + minValue + " TO " + maxValue + "]."); 

      return false; 
    } catch (Exception e) { 
     System.out.println("The entered value " + value 
      + " is not a valid integer. Please try again"); 
     return false; 
    return true; 

那麼我應該爲其他條目做什麼? bcoz每個都有單獨的錯誤提示! – NilR


@Niloo - 所有錯誤信息對我來說都是一樣的(一旦最小值和最大值被參數化)。如果您依次爲每個條目調用它,它應該表現得完全符合您的要求。 –


謝謝大家:)它是固定的我把我的validateunput從我的for循環從主要方法,並且工作正常:) – NilR