2012-08-11 160 views







// get the amount of all rows to enable pagination later 
$AllRowsResponse = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS Count FROM ".$targettablename." WHERE 1") or die ("Error #111231".mysql_error()); 

// write amount of rows into variable 
$AllRows = mysql_fetch_array($AllRowsResponse) or die (mysql_error()); 
$RowCount = $AllRows["Count"]; 
//print "<br>all rows in table: " . $RowCount ;flush(); 
print "<br><h1>CHECKING ".$TargetTable." FOR DEAD PRODUCTS</h1><br>"; 

$deletedprods = 0; // set up counter for deleted product 
$i = 0; // counter 
$increment = 100; // increment steps 
$timetotalstart = microtime(true); // variable to measure each requests time. this is the beginning time 
$md5deadimage1 = md5(file_get_contents("www.mydomain.com/dead1.jpg")); // get md5 of "not available" pic ONCE 
$RowsMinusDeleted = $RowCount - $deletedprods; // when deleting a prod, dont look for rows that arent there anymore 

while ($i <= $RowsMinusDeleted) { // as long as the counter is below the rowcount, there are still rows to check 

    $limitstart = $i; 
    $limitend = $i + $increment; //MAYBE PROBLEM IS HERE??? 

    $conn = ConnectToDB(); 

    $ProductIds = mysql_query("SELECT ProductId,Image,Deeplink FROM ".$targettablename." WHERE 1 LIMIT " . $limitstart . "," . $limitend) or die ("Error #11124".mysql_error()); 

    $i = $i + $increment; // increase the counter by the above defined increment 

    //print " DEAD-MD5:" & $md5deadimage1;flush(); 

    print "<br>(Checking items " . $limitstart . "-" . $limitend . "(of ". $RowCount . " total))";flush(); 
    //$rowCount = mysql_num_rows($ProductIds); 
    //print "<br>amount of ids etc in array: " . count($rowCount) ;flush(); 
    $timeloopstart = microtime(true); 
    // write every productId into an array 
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($ProductIds)) { 

     // get md5 of current product image 
     $md5deadimage2 = md5(file_get_contents($row['Image'])); 
     if ($md5deadimage1 == $md5deadimage2) { // if current file md5 is equal to any "dead picture", show it/delete it 

      $conn = ConnectToDB(); 

      print "<a href=\"".$row['Deeplink']."\" target='_blank'><img src=\"".$row['Image']."\"></a>";flush(); 

      mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".$targettablename." WHERE `ProductId`=".$row['ProductId']."") or die ("Error #11125".mysql_error()); 

     //} // end if 
     $RowsMinusDeleted = $RowCount - $deletedprods; 
    } // end while 
    $timeloopend = microtime(true); 
    $timelooptotal = $timeloopend - $timeloopstart; 
    print "<-- above took " . floor($timelooptotal) . " seconds"; 

$timetotalend = microtime(true); 
$timetotal = $timetotalend - $timetotalstart; 
print "<h2> whole request took " . floor($timelooptotal/60) . " minutes"; 
print "\n<h2>Updated ".$TargetTable.". Deleted <b>".$deletedprods."</b> old products</h2>"; 



(Checking items 0-100(of 134902 total))<-- above took 17 seconds 

(Checking items 100-200(of 134902 total))<-- above took 34 seconds 

(Checking items 200-300(of 134902 total))<-- above took 48 seconds 

(Checking items 300-400(of 134902 total))<-- above took 68 seconds 

(Checking items 400-500(of 134902 total))<-- above took 82 seconds 

(Checking items 500-600(of 134902 total))<-- above took 94 seconds 

(Checking items 600-700(of 134902 total))<-- above took 109 seconds 

(Checking items 700-800(of 134902 total))<-- above took 125 seconds 

(Checking items 800-900(of 134902 total))<-- above took 136 seconds 

(Checking items 900-1000(of 134902 total))<-- above took 146 seconds 

(Checking items 1000-1100(of 134902 total))<-- above took 162 seconds 

(Checking items 1100-1200(of 134902 total))<-- above took 185 seconds 

(Checking items 1200-1300(of 134902 tota l))<-- above took 199 seconds 

(Checking items 1300-1400(of 134902 total))<-- above took 212 seconds 

(Checking items 1400-1500(of 134902 total))<-- above took 237 seconds 

(Checking items 1500-1600(of 134902 total))<-- above took 277 seconds 

(Checking items 1600-1700(of 134902 total))<-- above took 287 seconds 

(Checking items 1700-1800(of 134902 total))<-- above took 292 seconds 

(Checking items 1800-1900(of 134902 total))<-- above took 304 seconds 

(Checking items 1900-2000(of 134902 total))<-- above took 305 seconds 

(Checking items 2000-2100(of 134902 total))<-- above took 337 seconds 

(Checking items 2100-2200(of 134902 total))<-- above took 393 seconds 

(Checking items 2200-2300(of 134902 total))<-- above took 368 seconds 

(Checking items 2300-2400(of 134902 total))<-- above took 375 seconds 

(Checking items 2400-2500(of 134902 total)) 

腳本可能會超時 - 有你想你的腳本參數或者set_time_limit(0); ? – MimiEAM 2012-08-11 06:45:50


-4下來投票 \t Wahooo - 的代碼和大量無處下手。 請將問題區域粘貼一下。 – 2012-08-11 07:01:37


請使用[庫MySQLi](http://php.net/manual/en/book.mysqli.php)或[PDO](http://php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php)。 'mysql_ *'函數已被棄用。 – 2012-08-11 07:17:29



使用 「set_time_limit(0)

此處瞭解詳情: http://ca2.php.net/manual/en/function.set-time-limit.php




嘿@Evan,謝謝你的答覆。我會嘗試error_reporting(E_ALL)。順便說一下:我經常使用cronjob來完成這項工作。也許這也是cronjob的問題呢? – ItsMeDom 2012-08-11 11:21:13


@DoJoChi:你有沒有試過設置時間限制? – 2012-08-11 11:41:04


你可以設置cronjob來向你發送輸出:) – Eva 2012-08-11 11:58:15