2012-04-29 41 views





def make_bd(n, r): 
    """Generates (r) numbers of birthdays in a range (n).""" 
    import random 
    t = [random.randrange(n) for i in range(r)] 
    print (t) 

def has_dupe(test): 
    """Here I test to see if I can detect a duplicate birthday. 
This is based on problem #4.""" 

    d = [] 
    count = 0 
    for number in test: 
     if number in d: 
      count = count + 1 
    if count >= 1: 
     return True 
    return False 

def dupebd(n,r,t): 
    count_dupe = 0 
    for i in range(n): 
     if has_dupe(make_bd(r,t)): 
      count_dupe = count_dupe + 1 
    print (float(count)/n)  



>>> has_dupe(make_bd(50,6)) 
[13, 3, 8, 29, 34, 44] 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "<pyshell#45>", line 1, in <module> 
    File "<pyshell#44>", line 7, in has_dupe 
    for number in test: 
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable 

注意你的算法會快很多,如果在'has_dupe'使用一組而不是列表爲'D'作爲測試一組中的成員比列表中的成員快得多。您也可以在發現一個重複項時立即返回「True」來使操作短路。你也可以用'len(set(test))== len(test)'''做同樣的測試,因爲集合不包含重複項。 –


我會爲此努力。 –




return t 

就是這樣!我還在上一個打印語句中錯誤地指定了count_dupe,但是添加返回修復了NoneType問題。謝謝! –

from random import randint 

def make_bd(n, d): 
    """Generates n birthdays in range(d).""" 
    return [randint(1, d) for _ in xrange(n)] 

def has_dupe(bd): 
    """Test to see if list of birthdays contains one or more duplicates. 
     This is based on problem #4. 
    return len(set(bd)) < len(bd) 

def dupe_bd(n, d, t): 
    dupes = sum(has_dupe(make_bd(n,d)) for _ in xrange(t)) 
    return dupes/float(t) 

def exactProbability(n, d): 
    probUnique = 1.0 
    d = float(d) 
    for i in xrange(n): 
     probUnique *= (d - i)/d 
    return 1.0 - probUnique 

for n in xrange(18,26): 
    print("{:d} people: {:0.4f} probability of shared birthday (exact: {:0.4f})".format(n, dupe_bd(n, 365, 1000), exactProbability(n, 365))) 

18 people: 0.3640 probability of shared birthday (exact: 0.3469) 
19 people: 0.3790 probability of shared birthday (exact: 0.3791) 
20 people: 0.4020 probability of shared birthday (exact: 0.4114) 
21 people: 0.4070 probability of shared birthday (exact: 0.4437) 
22 people: 0.4720 probability of shared birthday (exact: 0.4757) 
23 people: 0.4980 probability of shared birthday (exact: 0.5073) 
24 people: 0.5290 probability of shared birthday (exact: 0.5383) 
25 people: 0.5450 probability of shared birthday (exact: 0.5687)