2016-12-22 92 views

我注意到,Quantstrat通常採用基於價格的指標。但是,我想加載幾個已經在價格數據上進行了外部計算的指標。例如,我在包含我的指標(編號1-9)的csv文件中有2個額外的列。我想根據這些列中的數字生成一個信號。R - 將外部指標加載到Quantstrat



getSymbols("SPY", from = "2015-12-21", to = "2016-12-20", src = "yahoo", adjust =TRUE) 

    read.csv("/Users/tylerdrust/Downloads/2016 Demark Indicators.csv", 
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 

      Date Open High Low Close Volume Adj.Close TD.Sell.Count TD.Buy.Count 
1 12/21/15 201.41 201.88 200.09 201.67 99094300 197.43    0   0 
2 12/22/15 202.72 203.85 201.55 203.50 111026200 199.22    0   0 
3 12/23/15 204.69 206.07 204.58 206.02 110987200 201.69    0   0 
4 12/24/15 205.72 206.33 205.42 205.68 48539600 201.36    0   0 
5 12/28/15 204.86 205.26 203.94 205.21 65899900 200.90    1   0 
6 12/29/15 206.51 207.79 206.47 207.40 92640700 203.04    2   0 
7 12/30/15 207.11 207.21 205.76 205.93 63317700 201.60    0   1 
8 12/31/15 205.13 205.89 203.87 203.87 102929500 199.58    0   2 
9  1/4/16 200.49 201.03 198.59 201.02 222353500 196.79    0   3 
10 1/5/16 201.40 201.90 200.05 201.36 110845800 197.13    0   4 
11 1/6/16 198.34 200.06 197.60 198.82 152112600 194.64    0   5 
12 1/7/16 195.33 197.44 193.59 194.05 213436100 189.97    0   6 
13 1/8/16 195.19 195.85 191.58 191.92 209817200 187.89    0   7 
14 1/11/16 193.01 193.41 189.82 192.11 187941300 188.07    0   8 
15 1/12/16 193.82 194.55 191.14 193.66 172330500 189.59    0   9 
16 1/13/16 194.45 194.86 188.38 188.83 221168900 184.86    0   10 
17 1/14/16 189.55 193.26 187.66 191.93 240795600 187.90    1   0 
18 1/15/16 186.77 188.76 185.52 187.81 314240200 183.86    0   1 
19 1/19/16 189.96 190.11 186.20 188.06 195244400 184.11    0   2 
20 1/20/16 185.03 187.50 181.02 185.65 286547800 181.75    0   3 
21 1/21/16 186.21 188.87 184.64 186.69 195772900 182.77    0   4 
22 1/22/16 189.78 190.76 188.88 190.52 168319600 186.51    1   0 
23 1/25/16 189.92 190.15 187.41 187.64 130371700 183.70    0   1 
24 1/26/16 188.42 190.53 188.02 190.20 141036800 186.20    1   0 
25 1/27/16 189.58 191.56 187.06 188.13 185681700 184.18    2   0 
26 1/28/16 189.96 190.20 187.16 189.11 143798800 185.13    0   1 
27 1/29/16 190.02 193.88 189.88 193.72 210529300 189.65    1   0 
28 2/1/16 192.53 194.58 191.84 193.65 136061600 189.58    2   0 
29 2/2/16 191.96 191.97 189.54 190.16 182564900 186.16    3   0 
30 2/3/16 191.41 191.78 187.10 191.30 205054900 187.28    4   0 
31 2/4/16 190.71 192.75 189.96 191.60 139531800 187.57    0   1 
32 2/5/16 190.99 191.67 187.20 187.95 180788300 184.00    0   2 
33 2/8/16 185.77 186.12 182.80 185.42 191526700 181.52    0   3 
34 2/9/16 183.36 186.94 183.20 185.43 184513100 181.53    0   4 
35 2/10/16 186.41 188.34 185.12 185.27 148214100 181.38    0   5 
36 2/11/16 182.34 184.10 181.09 182.86 219058900 179.02    0   6 
37 2/12/16 184.96 186.65 183.96 186.63 127632400 182.71    1   0 
38 2/16/16 188.77 189.81 187.63 189.78 120250700 185.79    2   0 
39 2/17/16 191.16 193.32 191.01 192.88 136009500 188.83    3   0 
40 2/18/16 193.20 193.27 191.72 192.09 102343000 188.05    4   0 
41 2/19/16 191.17 192.18 190.45 192.00 114793000 187.96    5   0 
42 2/22/16 193.87 194.95 193.79 194.78 103640300 190.69    6   0 
43 2/23/16 194.00 194.32 192.18 192.32 111455300 188.28    0   1 
44 2/24/16 190.63 193.53 189.32 193.20 150812200 189.14    1   0 
45 2/25/16 193.73 195.55 192.83 195.54 110728300 191.43    2   0 
46 2/26/16 196.57 196.68 194.90 195.09 129833700 190.99    3   0 
47 2/29/16 195.11 196.23 193.33 193.56 125918100 189.49    4   0 
48 3/1/16 195.01 198.21 194.45 198.11 141799700 193.95    5   0 
49 3/2/16 197.74 199.06 197.25 199.00 102415000 194.82    6   0 
50 3/3/16 198.79 199.80 198.11 199.78 95172200 195.58    7   0 
51 3/4/16 200.01 201.35 199.03 200.43 129293600 196.22    8   0 
52 3/7/16 199.34 201.07 199.25 200.59 100219000 196.37    9   0 

    # Create initdate, from, and to charater strings 
initdate <- "2015-12-21" 
from <- "2015-12-22" 
to <- "2016-12-20" 

# Set the timezone to UTC 
Sys.setenv(TZ = "UTC") 

# Set the currency to USD 

stock("SPY", currency = "USD") 

# Define your trade size and initial equity 
tradesize <- 100000 
initeq <- 100000 

# Define the names of your strategy, portfolio and account 
strategy.st <- "firststrat" 
portfolio.st <- "firststrat" 
account.st <- "firststrat" 

# Remove the existing strategy if it exists 

# initialize the portfolio 
initPortf(portfolio.st, symbols = "SPY", initDate = initdate, currency = "USD") 

# initialize the account 
initAcct(account.st, portfolios = portfolio.st, initDate = initdate, currency = "USD", initEq = initeq) 

# initialize the orders 
initOrders(portfolio.st, initDate = initdate) 

# store the strategy 
strategy(strategy.st, store = TRUE) 

    add.signal(strategy.st, name = "sigThreshold", arguments = list(column ="TD.Buy.Count", 
       threshold = 8, relationship = "gt", cross = TRUE), label = "thresholdentry") 
    [1] "firststrat" 

    add.signal(strategy.st, name = "sigThreshold", arguments = list(column ="TD.Sell.Count", 
       threshold = 8, relationship = "gt", cross = TRUE), label = "thresholdexit") 
    [1] "firststrat" 

    add.rule(strategy.st, name = "ruleSignal", arguments = list(sigcol = "thresholdentry", 
      sigval = TRUE, ordertype = "market", orderside = "long", replace = FALSE, prefer = "Open", osFUN = osMaxPos, tradeSize = tradesize, maxSize = tradesize), type = "enter") 
    [1] "firststrat" 

    add.rule(strategy.st, name = "ruleSignal", 
    arguments = list(sigcol = "thresholdexit", sigval = TRUE, orderqty = "all", ordertype = "market", orderside = "long", replace = FALSE, prefer = "Open"), type = "exit") 



從csv文件更新的示例: – Tyler


您的示例數據不會產生任何信號。也許編輯你的問題,並使用輸出產生可重複的代碼? –


嗨,布賴恩,我已經更新了示例。我很感激你的任何指導。 – Tyler





# read indicators data 
indicators <- read.zoo(header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE, 
         index.column = 1, format = "%m/%d/%y", text = " 
     Date Open High Low Close Volume Adj.Close TD.Sell.Count TD.Buy.Count 
1 12/21/15 201.41 201.88 200.09 201.67 99094300 197.43    0   0 
2 12/22/15 202.72 203.85 201.55 203.50 111026200 199.22    0   0 
3 12/23/15 204.69 206.07 204.58 206.02 110987200 201.69    0   0 
4 12/24/15 205.72 206.33 205.42 205.68 48539600 201.36    0   0 
5 12/28/15 204.86 205.26 203.94 205.21 65899900 200.90    1   0 
6 12/29/15 206.51 207.79 206.47 207.40 92640700 203.04    2   0 
7 12/30/15 207.11 207.21 205.76 205.93 63317700 201.60    0   1 
8 12/31/15 205.13 205.89 203.87 203.87 102929500 199.58    0   2 
9  1/4/16 200.49 201.03 198.59 201.02 222353500 196.79    0   3 
10 1/5/16 201.40 201.90 200.05 201.36 110845800 197.13    0   4 
11 1/6/16 198.34 200.06 197.60 198.82 152112600 194.64    0   5 
12 1/7/16 195.33 197.44 193.59 194.05 213436100 189.97    0   6 
13 1/8/16 195.19 195.85 191.58 191.92 209817200 187.89    0   7 
14 1/11/16 193.01 193.41 189.82 192.11 187941300 188.07    0   8 
15 1/12/16 193.82 194.55 191.14 193.66 172330500 189.59    0   9 
16 1/13/16 194.45 194.86 188.38 188.83 221168900 184.86    0   10 
17 1/14/16 189.55 193.26 187.66 191.93 240795600 187.90    1   0 
18 1/15/16 186.77 188.76 185.52 187.81 314240200 183.86    0   1 
19 1/19/16 189.96 190.11 186.20 188.06 195244400 184.11    0   2 
20 1/20/16 185.03 187.50 181.02 185.65 286547800 181.75    0   3 
21 1/21/16 186.21 188.87 184.64 186.69 195772900 182.77    0   4 
22 1/22/16 189.78 190.76 188.88 190.52 168319600 186.51    1   0 
23 1/25/16 189.92 190.15 187.41 187.64 130371700 183.70    0   1 
24 1/26/16 188.42 190.53 188.02 190.20 141036800 186.20    1   0 
25 1/27/16 189.58 191.56 187.06 188.13 185681700 184.18    2   0 
26 1/28/16 189.96 190.20 187.16 189.11 143798800 185.13    0   1 
27 1/29/16 190.02 193.88 189.88 193.72 210529300 189.65    1   0 
28 2/1/16 192.53 194.58 191.84 193.65 136061600 189.58    2   0 
29 2/2/16 191.96 191.97 189.54 190.16 182564900 186.16    3   0 
30 2/3/16 191.41 191.78 187.10 191.30 205054900 187.28    4   0 
31 2/4/16 190.71 192.75 189.96 191.60 139531800 187.57    0   1 
32 2/5/16 190.99 191.67 187.20 187.95 180788300 184.00    0   2 
33 2/8/16 185.77 186.12 182.80 185.42 191526700 181.52    0   3 
34 2/9/16 183.36 186.94 183.20 185.43 184513100 181.53    0   4 
35 2/10/16 186.41 188.34 185.12 185.27 148214100 181.38    0   5 
36 2/11/16 182.34 184.10 181.09 182.86 219058900 179.02    0   6 
37 2/12/16 184.96 186.65 183.96 186.63 127632400 182.71    1   0 
38 2/16/16 188.77 189.81 187.63 189.78 120250700 185.79    2   0 
39 2/17/16 191.16 193.32 191.01 192.88 136009500 188.83    3   0 
40 2/18/16 193.20 193.27 191.72 192.09 102343000 188.05    4   0 
41 2/19/16 191.17 192.18 190.45 192.00 114793000 187.96    5   0 
42 2/22/16 193.87 194.95 193.79 194.78 103640300 190.69    6   0 
43 2/23/16 194.00 194.32 192.18 192.32 111455300 188.28    0   1 
44 2/24/16 190.63 193.53 189.32 193.20 150812200 189.14    1   0 
45 2/25/16 193.73 195.55 192.83 195.54 110728300 191.43    2   0 
46 2/26/16 196.57 196.68 194.90 195.09 129833700 190.99    3   0 
47 2/29/16 195.11 196.23 193.33 193.56 125918100 189.49    4   0 
48 3/1/16 195.01 198.21 194.45 198.11 141799700 193.95    5   0 
49 3/2/16 197.74 199.06 197.25 199.00 102415000 194.82    6   0 
50 3/3/16 198.79 199.80 198.11 199.78 95172200 195.58    7   0 
51 3/4/16 200.01 201.35 199.03 200.43 129293600 196.22    8   0 
52 3/7/16 199.34 201.07 199.25 200.59 100219000 196.37    9   0 
indicators <- as.xts(indicators) 


# get data for same interval as indicators 
getSymbols("SPY", from = start(indicators), to = end(indicators), adjust = TRUE) 

# merge indicators with data 
SPY <- merge(SPY, indicators[, c("TD.Sell.Count", "TD.Buy.Count")]) 


# Set the timezone to UTC 
Sys.setenv(TZ = "UTC") 

# Set the currency to USD 
stock("SPY", currency = "USD") 

# Define your trade size and initial equity 
tradesize <- 100000 
initeq <- 100000 

# Define the names of your strategy, portfolio and account 
strategy.st <- "firststrat" 
portfolio.st <- "firststrat" 
account.st <- "firststrat" 

# Remove the existing strategy if it exists 

# initialize the portfolio 
initPortf(portfolio.st, symbols = "SPY") 

# initialize the account 
initAcct(account.st, portfolios = portfolio.st, initEq = initeq) 

# initialize the orders 

# set position limits 
addPosLimit(portfolio.st, "SPY", start(SPY), 100) 

# store the strategy 
strategy(strategy.st, store = TRUE) 

add.signal(strategy.st, name = "sigThreshold", 
      arguments = list(column = "TD.Buy.Count", 
          threshold = 6, 
          relationship = "gt", 
          cross = TRUE), 
      label = "thresholdentry") 

add.signal(strategy.st, name = "sigThreshold", 
      arguments = list(column = "TD.Sell.Count", 
          threshold = 6, 
          relationship = "gt", 
          cross = TRUE), 
      label = "thresholdexit") 

add.rule(strategy.st, name = "ruleSignal", 
     arguments = list(sigcol = "thresholdentry", 
          sigval = TRUE, 
          ordertype = "market", 
          orderside = "long", 
          orderqty = 100, 
          replace = FALSE, 
          prefer = "Open", 
          osFUN = osMaxPos, 
          tradeSize = tradesize, 
          maxSize = tradesize), 
     type = "enter") 

add.rule(strategy.st, name = "ruleSignal", 
     arguments = list(sigcol = "thresholdexit", 
          sigval = TRUE, 
          orderqty = "all", 
          ordertype = "market", 
          orderside = "long", 
          replace = FALSE, 
          prefer = "Open"), 
     type = "exit") 

applyStrategy(strategy.st, portfolio.st) 
# [1] "2016-01-11 00:00:00 SPY 100 @ 193.009995" 
# [1] "2016-03-04 00:00:00 SPY -100 @ 200.009995" 

謝謝Josh真的很感謝幫助。我試圖向涉及移動平均線的代碼添加額外的規則,即一旦收盤價格 Tyler


@Tyler:這意味着'n'小於1或'> NROW(x)'。所以我的猜測是你的數據對象沒有200個值。如果不是這種情況,請發佈一個帶有最小可重現示例的新問題。 –