我正在閱讀boost fcontext的實現。Boost上下文實現
make_fcontext的函數原型是 typedef void* fcontext_t; fcontext_t BOOST_CONTEXT_CALLDECL make_fcontext(void * sp, std::size_t size, void (* fn)(intptr_t));
// context-function
void f(intptr);
// creates a new stack
std::size_t size = 8192;
void* sp(std::malloc(size));
// context fc uses f() as context function
// fcontext_t is placed on top of context stack
// a pointer to fcontext_t is returned
fcontext_t fc(make_fcontext(sp,size,f));
/* first arg of make_fcontext() == top of context-stack */
movl 0x4(%esp), %eax
/*decrease the adress of sp here*/
/* reserve space for first argument of context-function
rax might already point to a 16byte border */
leal -0x8(%eax), %eax
/* shift address in EAX to lower 16 byte boundary */
andl $-16, %eax
/* reserve space for context-data on context-stack */
/* size for fc_mxcsr .. EIP + return-address for context-function */
/* on context-function entry: (ESP -0x4) % 8 == 0 */
leal -0x20(%eax), %eax
/* third arg of make_fcontext() == address of context-function */
movl 0xc(%esp), %edx
movl %edx, 0x18(%eax)
/* save MMX control- and status-word */
stmxcsr (%eax)
/* save x87 control-word */
fnstcw 0x4(%eax)
加速是一個C++類庫,不C庫。您可能需要相應地更新標籤。 – Gerhardh
謝謝你提醒。 – Jayce