2017-08-16 49 views

我們有一個Spring MVC應用程序,大多數REST操作是每個資源唯一的GET操作。所以目前我們有很多控制器,只有GET方法,彼此沒有區別(甚至在URL,內容類型,參數等等)。有多個資源有一個控制器的優點和缺點

爲了消除這種重複,我們的團隊成員提供了一個只有GET操作的控制器和一個帶有服務(資源名稱 - >資源服務)的映射。

但是我們認爲這樣的缺點更復雜Spring注入優化,沒有機會在內容類型,參數上添加一些限制 - 用一個詞自定義操作。此外,還有幾個資源駐留在單獨的控制器中。另外我不希望至少有簡單的方法來以多種方式記錄Swagger中唯一的方法(具有不同的描述)。





是的,你是對的。簡而言之,根據single responsibility principle,每個控制器只應執行一項任務(僅處理一個URL)。




/** Interface mainly works as a marker. 
    At first look, interface isn't necessary but it'll improve maintainability. 
    Next year you say 'thank you' to yourself */ 
interface IController { 
    //some methods which will implement EACH controller even the most specific 
    public void doGet(params) 
abstract class AbstractController implements IController { 
/** Class implements default behavior for controllers. 
    Implementation written so child classes could adopt behaviour easily*/ 
    public void doGet(params) { 
    // use Template pattern 
    // common stuff which should be done at first 
    protected void doLog(params) { // your favorite logger here} 
    // extension point for inherited classes 
    abstract protected void prepareStuff(); 
    // here is the real processing for default controller 
    public void process() { 
    //implement common processing for GET request 
    // Prefer to use protected method instead of field 
    protected String getURL() { return DEFAULT_URL;} 
// usual controller has nothing special 
class Controller1 extends AbstractController { 
    protected String getURL() { return "url1";} 
    protected prepareStuff() {// do nothing} 
// do some specific preparation/checks 
class Controller2 extends AbstractController { 
    protected prepareStuff() {//preparation/checks here } 
    /** Note I 'forget' to override getURL() so it'll process DEFAULT_URL. 
    It could be useful if AbstractController calculates url dynamically and 
    you don't want to write boilerplate strings "/myApp/section7". 
    Also you could write abstract getURL() 
/** custom controller but you want to re-use some common code. 
In fact I would not recommend this way as usual approach */ 
class Controller3 extends AbstractController { 
    /** Overriding this method totally discards the Template pattern. 
     It could (and will) lead to confusing and errors*/ 
    public void doGet(params) { // new implementation } 
    protected prepareStuff() { 
    // you don't need it but you have to override since it abstract 
// totally custom controller. Implements interface just as a marker 
class SpecificController implements Controller { 
    // In order to support legacy code just call method wich has been already written. You even no need to rename it. 
    public void doGet(params) { specificMethod();} 
    // lagacy method which probably is used somewhere else 
    public void specificMethod() { // the actual logic here} 




謝謝你的比較這樣的想法,我真的很感謝你抽出時間做答案!但是我沒有看到vanilla servlet之間的體系結構差異,那麼:C這種情況似乎與使用命令模式相似 –


1.通過將重複代碼引入父級AbstractController和2.您有擴展點來更改behaivor(差異你的隊友建議:單個控制器難以擴展) – ADS


作爲替代方案有多個GET方法的控制器? –