2012-05-28 31 views







下面是以povray格式的雅可比算法。我希望,這對某個人有用。例如,一個環正在由5個點Pts [0..4]定義的最小平方平面中繪製。點的座標需要在第3行中初始化。當然,如果計數不是5,則需要在第二行中更改變量NoPts。

#declare ooo=<0,0,0>; 
#declare NoPts=5; 
#declare Pts=array[NoPts]{p1,p2,p3,p4,p5} 

// compute centroid    
#declare Centroid=ooo; 
#declare i = 0; 
#while(i < NoPts) 
    #declare Centroid = Centroid+Pts[i]; 
    #declare i = i + 1; 
#declare Centroid = Centroid/NoPts; 

// Move points to centroid 
#declare nPts=array[NoPts]{ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo} 
#declare i = 0; 
#while(i < NoPts) 
    #declare nPts[i] = Pts[i] - Centroid; 
    #declare i = i + 1; 

#declare SM=array[3][3]{ {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0} } // 2nd momentum matrix for coordinates moved to the centroid 
#declare EV=array[3][3]{ {1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {0,0,1} } // eigen vectors 

#declare i = 0; 
#while(i < NoPts) 
    #declare SM[0][0] = nPts[i].x * nPts[i].x + SM[0][0]; 
    #declare SM[0][1] = nPts[i].x * nPts[i].y + SM[0][1]; 
    #declare SM[0][2] = nPts[i].x * nPts[i].z + SM[0][2]; 
    #declare SM[1][1] = nPts[i].y * nPts[i].y + SM[1][1]; 
    #declare SM[1][2] = nPts[i].y * nPts[i].z + SM[1][2]; 
    #declare SM[2][2] = nPts[i].z * nPts[i].z + SM[2][2]; 
    #declare i = i + 1; 
#declare SM[1][0] = SM[0][1]; 
#declare SM[2][0] = SM[0][2]; 
#declare SM[2][1] = SM[1][2]; 

// =============== JACOBI rotation        

#declare tol = 0.00000001; // tolerance 
#declare iterMax = 8; 
#declare summ = 0; // control sum 

#declare l = 0;   // ----------- sanity check 
#while(l < 3) 
    #declare m = 0; 
    #while(m < 3) 
     #declare summ = summ + abs(SM[l][m]); 
     #declare m = m + 1;  
    #declare l = l + 1;  

#if (summ < 0.00005) 
    #debug concat("=============== STH WRONG \n")  

#declare j=0; 
#while(j < iterMax) 
    #declare ssum = 0; 
    #declare amax = 0; 
    #declare row=1; 
    #while(row < 3)  // ------- loop over rows 
    #declare col=0; 
    #while(col < row)  // ------- loop over columns 
       #declare atmp = abs(SM[row][col]);  
       #if(atmp > amax) 
       #declare amax = atmp; 
       #declare ssum = ssum + atmp; 
       #if(atmp < amax * 0.1) 
       #declare col = 5; 
       #if(abs(ssum/summ) > tol)  // --- only for "huge" elements ;-) 
        #declare th = atan(2 * SM[row][col]/(SM[col][col] - SM[row][row]))/2; 
        #declare sin_th = sin(th); 
        #declare cos_th = cos(th); 
        #declare k=0; 
        #while(k < 3) 
         #declare tmp2 = SM[k][col];       
         #declare SM[k][col] = cos_th * tmp2 + sin_th * SM[k][row]; 
         #declare SM[k][row] = -sin_th * tmp2 + cos_th * SM[k][row]; 
         #declare tmp2 = EV[k][col]; 
         #declare EV[k][col] = cos_th * tmp2 + sin_th * EV[k][row]; 
         #declare EV[k][row] = -sin_th * tmp2 + cos_th * EV[k][row]; 
         #declare k = k + 1; 
        #declare SM[col][col] = cos_th * SM[col][col] + sin_th * SM[row][col]; 
        #declare SM[row][row] = -sin_th * SM[col][row] + cos_th * SM[row][row]; 
        #declare SM[col][row] = 0; 
        #declare k=0; 
        #while(k < 3) 
         #declare SM[col][k] = SM[k][col]; 
         #declare SM[row][k] = SM[k][row]; 
         #declare k = k + 1; 
       #end // end of loop for huge elements 
     #declare col = col + 1; 
    #end // end col 
    #declare row = row + 1; 
    #end //end row 
    #declare j = j + 1; // ' ------- next iteration if not bigger than iterMAX 
// =============== end JACOBI 

// find EV with the smallest eigenvalue 
#declare EVmin = 10000; 
#declare k=0; 
#while (k < 3) 
    #if(SM[k][k] < EVmin) 
    #declare EVmin = SM[k][k]; 
    #declare EVindex = k; 
    #declare k=k+1; 

// TEST - draw the ring 

#declare ringRadius=1; 
#declare w = < EV[0][EVindex], EV[1][EVindex], EV[2][EVindex] >;  
     torus { ringRadius*.75, Dash_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } 
     Reorient_Trans(<0, 1, 0>,w) 
     translate Centroid 

在這裏,我認爲飛機的位置是已知的,並且要計算法向量。我不回答這個飛機如何計算的問題。 (3D)空間中由三個點(例如A,B,C)定義的平面的法向矢量可以用兩個矢量a = AC和b = BC的叉積來計算(在下面的圖中,點A和B分別位於箭頭a和b的尖端,點C位於兩個矢量的起始點)。我還假設這些點不在一條線上。



n1 = a2 * b3 - a3 * b2;

n2 = a3 * b1-a1 * b3;

n3 = a1 * b2-a2 * b1;

向量n的長度L是L = sqrt(n1 * n1 + n2 * n2 + n3 * n3)。現在,您將每個分量除以L,並且具有單位長度的法向量。



對不起,沒有評論這麼長時間(最近很多工作)。謝謝你花時間寫這些東西。不幸的是,你認爲我知道飛機是錯的。正如我寫的,我想首先計算最小二乘平面,並且我只有一組點(如上所述,超過3個點;其中3個平面精確定義,我們根本不需要任何迴歸方法)。因此,讓我以不同的方式重述我的問題 - **如何僅在povray中對角化[3x3]矩陣?** –