$timeParts = explode(' ', $timestring); //Separates your time string in parts
//To sum these parts into a total number of minutes:
//First make an array with all multiplication factors to go from part of string to a number of minutes
$factors = array(1/60, 1, 60, 60*24); //Last value is for days, which are probably not necessary.
//Iterate through the $timeParts array
$minutes = 0; //Create $minutes variable, so we can add minutes to it for each string part
while($part = array_pop($timeParts)) { //Process each part of the string, starting from the end (because seconds will always be there even if minutes aren't)
$part = floatval($part); //I guess your numbers will technically be strings, so we need to convert them to floats (because the seconds need to be floats). Also, this function should strip off any letters appended to your numbers.
$factor = array_shift($factors); //Take the first part of the $factors array (because in that array the seconds are first, then minutes and so on)
$minutes += ($part * $factor); //Multiply the string part by its matching factor and add the result to the $minutes variable.
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