2015-01-02 27 views

我正在構建一個點擊計數應用程序(例如:進入房間的人)。主要目標是能夠擁有多個櫃檯(例如:主廳櫃檯,白色櫃檯櫃檯,綠色房間櫃檯等)。NSUserDefaults奇怪的行爲 - 更改存儲的值


1)計數器的列表 - CounterListTableViewController,具有功能列表

2)創建新的項目(計數器)計數器頁 - RowCounterViewController



2015-01-02 23:51:56.243 RowCounter[8522:380477] { 
    0 = 0; 
    1 = 0; 
    2 = 0; 
// here I tap 3 times in the counter with index "0" in the list 

2015-01-02 23:52:07.184 RowCounter[8522:380477] { 
    0 = 3; 
    1 = 0; 
    2 = 0; 
// I return to the list and go back to the same counter, 3 times is there 

2015-01-02 23:52:11.594 RowCounter[8522:380477] { 
    0 = 0; 
    1 = 0; 
    2 = 0; 
// I return again to the list and again back to the same counter, it now shows 0 (but should be 3) 

2015-01-02 23:52:17.902 RowCounter[8522:380477] { 
    0 = 0; 
    1 = 0; 
    2 = 0; 
// I now go to the counter with index "1" and tap 5 times 

2015-01-02 23:52:27.591 RowCounter[8522:380477] { 
    0 = 0; 
    1 = 5; 
    2 = 0; 
// I return to the list and go to a different counter with index "2", in the counter with index "1" count is 5 

2015-01-02 23:52:30.401 RowCounter[8522:380477] { 
    0 = 0; 
    1 = 5; 
    2 = 0; 
// I again return to the list and again go to a different counter with index "2", in the counter with index "1" count is still 5 

2015-01-02 23:52:34.029 RowCounter[8522:380477] { 
    0 = 0; 
    1 = 5; 
    2 = 0; 
// I again return to the list and again go to a different counter with index "2", in the counter with index "1" count is still 5 - So if not returning to the counter with count >0 it holds that count 

2015-01-02 23:52:37.144 RowCounter[8522:380477] { 
    0 = 0; 
    1 = 0; 
    2 = 0; 
// I return to the list and go to the counter with index "1" and count 5 clears. 



- (void)viewDidLoad { 
    [super viewDidLoad]; 

    // Do any additional setup after loading the view. 

    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(saveCount) name:UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification object:nil]; 

    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(saveCount) name:UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification object:nil]; 

    NSDictionary *dict = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"saveCount"] ; 
    NSLog(@"%@", dict); 

    NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", (unsigned long)_itemIndex] ; 
    NSInteger numCounter = [[dict objectForKey:key] intValue] ; 
    if (numCounter) { 
     // counter = [numCounter intValue] ; 
     count.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", (long)numCounter] ; 
    } else { 
     numCounter = 0 ; 
     count.text = @"0" ; 

- (void)saveCount { 
    NSDictionary *dict = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"saveCount"] ; 
    NSMutableDictionary *mDict = nil ; 
    if (dict == nil) 
     mDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary] ; 
     mDict = [dict mutableCopy] ; 

    NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", (unsigned long)_itemIndex] ; 
    [mDict setObject:@(counter) forKey:key] ; 
    [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:mDict forKey:@"saveCount"] ; 
    [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize] ; 



你爲什麼要註釋掉'counter = [numCounter intValue];'?我發現你將'counter'保存爲用戶默認值,但是你不用'viewDidLoad'初始化它。 –


我已經在.h文件中聲明'int counter',行'counter = [numCounter intValue]'給我一個錯誤'壞接收器類型'NSInteger'(又名「long」)',這可能會使這個問題成爲i選擇忽略計數器,不知道如何設置它沒有這個錯誤@OleksiiTaran – dicobraz




我的註釋行counter = [numCounter intValue] 給了一個錯誤bad receiver type 'NSInteger' (aka "long")

起初我宣佈int counter 改成了NSInteger counter


NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", (unsigned long)_itemIndex] ; 
NSInteger numCounter = [[dict objectForKey:key] intValue] ; 
if (numCounter > 0) { 
    counter = numCounter; 
    count.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", (long)numCounter] ; 
} else { 
    numCounter = 0 ; 
    count.text = @"0" ; 


NSInteger numCounter = [[dict objectForKey:key] intValue] ; 
if (numCounter) { 



NSInteger numCounter = [[dict objectForKey:key] intValue] ; 
if (numCounter > 0) { 


NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", (unsigned long)_itemIndex]; 
NSNumber* numCounter = dict[key]; 
    numCounter = @0; 

count.text = [numCounter stringValue]; 

這些更改不能解決問題的解釋。很高興再次見到你Sebastian;) – dicobraz


請注意,'if(numCounter)'不測試'numCounter'的值是否爲1,而是它是否爲非零。 – jlehr


謝謝!該死,整個答案變得無關緊要:) –